Ch-5 ★Predator & the Prey

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Ch-5 Predator & the Prey


“What’s the birthday girl doing here?”

He stood there leaning against the cold, brick wall shadowed by the starless night. With a cigarette in his hand, he puffed away slowly, in a daze. Trifling puffs of smoke left his mouth.  There was a small smirk on his face which vanished the instant he saw my tears. I hastily wiped them away. He crushed the burning cigarette in his palm and walked towards me taking a seat next to me on the stairs.

It was just the two of us, surrounded by trash cans and the city lights. The street lights sparkled looking like stars -completing the empty, dark sky. The smell of cigarette smoke lingered in the air masking the rotten smell of garbage.   

He crossed his arms over his long, lanky legs.  He sat there next to me in silence just staring at dumps in front of him while I cried silently. 

He placed his hand inside pocket pulling out a thin, cotton handkerchief. “Here,” he spoke not bothering to look at me. “Tears don’t really suit you,”

“Thanks,” I muttered taking the folded handkerchief from his hand.

He leaned back and took in a deep breath.  “I don’t think you’ll tell me what’s bothering you?”

“Only if you tell me what’s bothering you?”  He couldn’t be out here without a reason. Why would someone want to miss a lavish party and spend it out here in the dumps? Something was definitely  troubling him.

I felt his body stiffen next to me. “Never mind then,”Why would he tell me afterall I was no-one to him.  He got up, brushing himself off. He wasn’t the nice, professional guy I had met at the party. All of that was an act to cover what was inside. So this is what Jay Walter was really like.

“Life is too short to be wasted on tears,” He straightened his jacket pulling out his phone. He stared at its screen with his fingers jotting across it.

“You don’t really have a choice when everything falls apart,” I had caught his attention, furrowing his eyebrows together, he looked at me with a strange expression.

He shook his head slightly returning his attention back to his phone’s screen. “Everyone has a choice.  It depends on you which one you pick.” He stuffed his phone back into his jacket's pocket. “Here, I’ll give you a choice come with me and I’ll take you somewhere where you’ll forget all your troubles and worries,”

“Why do you want to help me?”

He smiled, a bittersweet smile. “Because something about you reminds me of myself,”


Cargo loading site in WestWale, London

 Loud, cheap pop music echoed through tunnels filled with people dressed in skimpy clothes. It was dark inside the tunnel. The only sources of light being the yellow, neon lights tapped to its low ceiling.  There was a large, wooden bar table with large incandescent lights and cheap beer. People were dancing in groups to the music; some stood in large circles in the center of these circles danced one girl and one boy. It seemed like the boy and girl were trying to woo each other.

The entire the tunnel was filled with exuberant amount of energy, people were laughing, dancing, and drinking. It seemed like your typical club but it was so much more. There was so much more dancing going around. The moves these people were pulling off were mindboggling even dance experts cannot pull those moves with so much ease.

I was already feeling so much better seeing these people dance.

Jay leaned down to my level. “Welcome to the London’s street dance fiesta,” He spoke over the music in my ear. I felt my heart pump faster than before. “Where we dance to impress,” There was small mischievous smile on his face as his eyes shined in the light.

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