Ch-29 ★Forgive

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Ch-29-★  Forgive


“I killed Samantha,”

            Tear streaked cheeks stared back at me. Aura trembled terribly in my arms- broken cries shook her entire body.

            “No, you didn’t,” I cupped her cheeks in my hands. Wide blue eye were brimming with tears. With a gentle hand, I wiped the tears. “Tell me, what happened?”

            What she told me next was something I had never expected. I should have known. I should have known the girl who resembled me in so many ways would make the same mistakes I had made. She was no different than me. Like once I was blinded by love, she was too.

 “She was attacked by Hunter and it’s all my fault,” She looked at her hands, her fingers wide apart. It’s was like she was watching her hands getting stained in the blood of her friend. I knew that feeling.

            “How?” I did not want to know the answer because I already knew what it would be.

Her eyes meet mine for a brief second- they were filled with fear.

            “I told him. I told Hunter that Samantha wasn’t living with me anymore. I asked him to take her back. He promised me he wouldn’t hurt her. He said that he loved her and his father had schemed against him. I trusted him,” She spoke in a sobbing gasp.

            I wasn’t surprised. She was no better than me. I had made the same mistake a long time ago. It had cost me my sanity. I just hope it won’t cost her anything.  Whatever she had done was terrible but I can’t blame her. Hunter can be very deceiving when he wanted to be. At the dance fiesta, he has a string people following him around at the snap of his fingers.

            As far as I know, Hunter wouldn’t harm Sam on purpose. He loved her. When a guy truly loves a girl, he’ll do anything to keep her safe and to make sure she belongs to him and him only.

            “You shouldn’t have,” I whispered.

“I know,” More tears left her eyes, sliding down her red, blotched skin. “We have to go back London, now,”



            It was a dark night- the kind where no stars and moon shone. A little distance away from me walked a girl- her blonde hair flowed with the gentle late summer wind. She carried heavy grocery bags in both of her hands. The sound of her heels echoed through the silent night. I don’t why I was following her. My feet carried me away towards her. It was like an invisible thread was pulling me closer and closer to her.

            I took in the surroundings- there were tall, towering brick buildings surrounding the uneven sidewalk. The glass panes of the buildings were broken- cracks wove in between them in odd patterns. Strangely enough the roads and the sidewalk were empty. It must be late.

            Suddenly the girl’s cellphone rung nosily in the silent air, she stopped walking and placed the phone by her ear.

“Hello?” her voice was raspy. It screamed the fear and stark terror clinging to her thin bones. “It’s you,” She breathed out a sigh of relief. “Matt, you had me for moment,” She laughed, the shallow sound echoed through the night.

She tossed the groceries into a nearby trash can. I watched her confused, why would she do that?

“No, I didn’t buy anything,” She whispered, her neck in a stiff position as she stared straight ahead. “Jay? What does he want? Talk to me?”

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