Ch-1 ★Just Drive

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Ch-1 Just Drive


Dartford, London

Time: Midnight

I was driving away from my problems again.  That’s what I did, run and hide from my troubles. These unknown roads and directions soothed my pained heart. They took me to the places I’ve never been before, brought new things to my life.  I often ended up losing myself on these twisted paths.

That’s how I met her, the girl who stole the most precious thing I’ve ever owned.

Maybe she didn’t steal it; maybe my most precious possession belonged to her all along. So that means I’m the real thief in this story…

[Two Years ago]

Outskirts of London, England

                That night I was driving away like usual. My parents were fighting that night. I couldn’t bear to see them fight. I loved both of them so much. Every time they fought, it reminded me how broken our family was. We were like shattered pieces of a mirror; every time one of us would try to fix things, we would catch our own reflection, a reflection of a distant past when we were happy.

                Things weren’t always like this. We used to be happy family. I had a loving mother and caring father. That was until my dad lost his job and completely changed. A strange craze took over him to prove himself to the world. He opened his own company, ‘The Innovation’. My father lost himself to work, completely ignoring me and my mother.

                All those years when my dad was lost in work, I felt like I had a single parent. My mother raised me up by herself, always by my side. She was the one who was present in my parent-teacher meetings, competitions, spelling bees, award ceremonies when my father was too busy with his company.

                Things changed after ‘The Innovation’ stocks skyrocketed. My dad finally got what he wanted. Money, fame, and various luxuries surrounded my small, simple family. My mother wasn’t coping with all thepublicity and media. She’d shop for hours and hours to distract herself from the building pressure of being the wife of an important industrialist. Parties, galas, and charity events took more and more of her time, the time she should have spent with me, her daughter.

              I lost my mother to money. I grew up in loneliness without a caring hand or a loving shadow. A strange repulsion to love overtook my heart. I guess that’s the reason why I avoided making friends though I’m still unsure if that was the full reason. Maybe it was because of the fear of losing the person you love like the way I lost my parents.

              Some people befriended me; they would work really hard and try to pry words out of my mouth. Those people had their own reasons why they wanted to become my friends so desperately; some wanted my money, a social status in society while others were just lured in by my mysterious silence. They saw me as challenge which had to be completed. They didn’t realize I was human and not an inanimate object.

          In the end, I was that introvert, the quiet girl in the corner of the classroom; the girl who was lost in her own world of books.  Books were my best friends, I didn’t need anyone else as long as I had my books, or so I thought.

                It was raining really hard that night. I had my wipers going on high speed. Plit-plop went the rain against the car’s windshield. The road was narrow, broken, and bumpy. Each bump sent my body jolting upwards in my seat. I was in the deserted part of the city. Towering buildings with broken windows and narrow alleys is what made up this part of town. Greys, slimy greens, and browns colored my surroundings.  

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