Ch-23 ★Bleeding Hearts

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Beatrice: a seven year old girl who addresses Jay as her father. She was supposedly adopted by the Rockstar.

Ch-23 Bleeding Hearts


The apartment was one hell of a mess: my favorite white vase was shattered across the carpet, the wide-screen was hanging off its hinges, and the floor was covered with smashed bottles of alcohol.

Damn, I shouldn't have come back. I should have stayed at the bar.

Aulaura must think I'm sort of monster. She must hate me now. But why do I care if she hates me or loves me?

It doesn't matter. I don't care. She can think whatever she wants. I don't give a damn.

Gripping the side of my head, I walked into the bathroom. A groan escaped my mouth.

Aulaura lay on the floor, her head resting on the edge of the tub. She was mumbling something in her half sleep state.

I kneeled downed next to her and moved away few strands auburn hair out of her face. She looked sad even in her sleep. This gloom clung to her bones slipping away with the dried tears on her cheeks. I remembered everything- the memories from last night struck a chord like a lightning bolt. I hated this. My tolerance to alcohol had increased to an extent that it didn't affect me anymore. It was Melody's fault of-course- she made me quit the thing before I died of it. After so many years, I had gotten a drink and now I regretted it. It's for the best if I stay away from that toxin. For Aulaura and Beatrice's sake I must stay away from it.

My eyes fell back on Aulaura. Black lines ran across her face and the plum red color that once colored her lips was now smeared down her jaws. I got up from the squat and quickly turned on the tap. Reaching for a clean towel, I placed it under the running water.

Carefully, I reached out for her skin, her skin felt so blissfully good under mine- damn. Again, I removed those pesky strands. With a light hand I lifted her head slightly and wiped away the makeup from her face. I couldn't help but admire the beauty that lay still under the layers of concealment.

Tossing the towel aside, I picked her up in my arms- pulling my elbow under her knees and her head in the cage of my arm.

Gentle pieces of breaths fell on my chest. I could hear the low mummer of words escaping her lips.

"Jay," Her lips parted. I felt my heart halt for a moment. She said my name. She did love me after-all. She was just infatuated that's all. She didn't love me. How could she? How could anyone love a wreck like me? She was just infatuated with Jay the Rockstar. Hopefully, she'll get over it and realize her mistake before it's too late, before my heart betrays me.

"I'm sorry," Her voice broke- even in her sleep- her face twisted with pain. Something inside me hurt for her. I wanted to see her happy.

My legs hit the bed's frame yet I couldn't force my arms to lay her down.

But I had to do it now or later before she woke up. I have leave before she wakes up. I didn't have the strength to lie to her again.

I placed her on my bed, pulling the duvet covers over her. My hands found the notepad and I quickly scribbled a note for and placed beside it on the bedside table.

Hopefully she'll find it here.

Before I could stop myself, I placed a kiss on her forehead. I don't for how much longer I'll be able to deny my feeling.

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