Ch-17 ★Hopeless Love

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Ch-17 ★Hopeless Love


Gray Mansion, London

Soon days turned into weeks which turned into months. Three months passed by faster than I had expected. Maybe it was because of Jay’s presence that made time fly by faster. We would occasionally bump into each other at parties, meetings my father would organize.

I enjoyed the little pockets of time I had with him. They were like my pieces of happiness. They made my heart flutter, my stomach churn, and my whole body become alit with strange sensations. Jay always greeted me with warmth, and sweet kindness. We’d talked about the most random things from who came first the chicken or the egg? to how things were going on?

I had shared almost everything about my life with Jay. I had told him about my parents, the broken state of my family. He would listen to me patiently, offer consoling words in between but he would never share his heart’s burden with me. I wanted to know the reason behind the pain. I wanted to know about that lost look that haunted his eyes. I wanted to know about the secrets hidden behind his breath-taking smile. Sadly, Jay didn’t trust me enough to tell me all that.

 It has occurred to me that I loved Jay. It was a scary, petrifying realization. I hope he feels the same way. I don’t know what I might do if he doesn’t. In a buried part of my heart, I knew he would never say those three words I longed to hear.

Eventually I forgot about Hunter and his threat. Hunter didn’t try to contact me once in the past three months. I took his threat as mild warning and waved it off.

Sam and Matthew were growing closer and closer to each other. With some envy, I watched them go on late night dates and movies. They were already so ahead in their relationship. On the other hand, Jay and I stood on the first block. I was waiting for Jay to make a move, it’s stupid of me to think that kiss might have actually meant something to him.

I lay in my bed, buried under the heap of cottony, soft quilts. The lazy rays of the rising sun streamed in through the white curtains, encasing the room in its warm glow. A content sigh escaped my lips as I turned over to one side.

Jay’s latest song ‘broken lies’ strummed through my ear-buds, making me feel all nice and fuzzy. The ear-buds dug deeper into my ear when I twisted my head to the side of the pillow.

I’d lie to you and tell everything will be alright

It breaks me every time

You cry

Because love tears don’t really suit you

A smile crawled up my mouth as my heart beats rose. I remember that night of my birthday party when Jay had found me crying on the steps, he had told me that tears didn’t suit me. I wrapped my hands around my arms, everything blurring into different shapes of pink, I felt my cheeks heat up with warmth. 

There is nothing else I can give you

Other than

Unfinished Kisses, Shattered Heats

And Broken Lies

I felt my lips tingled with warmth.  My hands automatically went to my mouth, traveling along the part where I had felt Jay’s lips. His lips were warm, comforting, and captivating...I closed my eyes, a hand resting above my heart. I felt it beat with excitement.

God, how could he affect me so much?

His coffee like addicting brown eyes were always on my mind, his tortuous, breathing taking smile made it hard to breath. His laugh, God, it seemed like angels were laughing together in unison. His flaws made him even more lovable. His anger scared me yet made my attraction grow.

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