Ch-35 ★Farewell

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    Ch-35 ★Farewell (part one)


Some people never learn from their mistakes.

            I happen to be some people.

This happens to be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.

            I could hear my insides screaming, begging me to not go with him. They were far more right than my heart ever was. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined these unfinished kisses, broken sobs, and nights of warmth would lead to this.

            You have to give me this much. I’m not that smart. Yes, I’ve schemed to buy him, plotted revenge against my sister yet I’m not smart because if I were would have stayed away from him the very start. But I didn’t.

Because from the first chapter of our story, I knew that this was going to be a tragedy and I was fine with that as long as it meant I would get to love him.


            My heart sped faster than it ever had. The air conditioning in the car chilled my toes till the point I couldn’t feel them anymore. Goosebumps trailed my arms, not from the cold but from the distant look on Jay’s face. Veins in his necks were visible as his jaw was held in a tense position. I noted with worry that his hold on the steering wheel was slipping with every turn he took on the highway.

          Beatrice’s gentle snore could be heard from the back seat. It was the only sound that stretched on in suffocating silence between us.

         He took in a shaky breath of air, pressing his lips together till they turned ghastly white. It was starting to rain, gentle drops slid down the windows smearing the tropical, sunny sky of Galveston. He shifted in the seat as his eyes snapped in my direction, as if sensing my stare. He smiled though the smile never reached his eyes. It got lost along the midnight darkness lurking behind his eyelids.

            “Where are we going?” I whispered.

        He leaned back into the seat, swirling his head back to stare at the road ahead of him. “Somewhere far,”

            “Where?” I pressed on.

“I don’t know,” he replied nonchalantly, his eyes briefly flickering to meet my heated gaze.

            “What!” I frantically looked out the window to see we were outside the city. Fields of maize surrounded our car which happened to be the only car on the road. The road was bumpy -the uneven gravel jolted the car slightly.

            Rusted barbed wires separated the road from the flowing greenery. No man or animal seemed to be in view for far off.

            “Jay,” I rubbed my hands across my face, wiping the anxious sweat from it. “Are you fucking crazy?”

            “No,” he laughed. “I’m just doing what you do,”

I gave him an incredulous look. “And that is?”

            “Running away from your problems,” Even though his tone was light and humorous, I knew he was being dead serious. “But I think we’ve had enough,”

            He stretched his hand in my direction, gripping the steering with the other. His finger traced a stray strand of hair from my cheek and tucked it behind my ear.

            “It’s time we stop running and faced our fears,” His hand left me and gripped the clutch. The car swerved to the empty patch of brown land where an abandoned store lay. Panels of wood closed off the entrance of the small building.

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