Ch-30 ★Exit

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Ch-30 ★Exit

King George Hospital, London


     The repugnant smell of antiseptics and medicine made me feel nauseated and dizzy. If it weren’t Jay's arm wrapped around my torso I would have collapsed a long time ago. He held me in the cage of his bones – the warm brown in his eyes would deepen whenever our gazes meet. My numb heart gave out a small squeeze, enough for me to know that it still lived inside me.

      A nurse walked guided us through the impeccable crowded halls of the hospital. Faded faces and white coats passed by in a blur. Samantha- the mere thought brought an avalanche of emotion to collapse upon me. I prayed with all my soul- for the heavens above to grant her my share of life- to let her survive so I could make amends with her.

      I couldn’t stop cursing myself. My temporary heart-ache had cost me my friend’s life. Stupid heart- stupid love- stupid me for falling into the whirling labyrinth.

       “Jay, she will be alright?” It wasn’t a question that needed an answer.

He exhaled, his arm slipping from my waist and taking my hand. “I hope so,”

      “What if she isn’t? What am I going to do then?”

Jay craned his neck to look at me, he smiled, solemnly. “She’s going to be fine,”

      “How do you know?” I whispered as I felt something heavy sit on the center of my chest.

He placed a tender kiss on my forehead. “I just do,”

      I didn’t question him after that because somewhere inside me- I knew this day was going to change a-lot of things. For the good, bad or ugly- only time will answer the questions looming above our heads.   


Tension hung thick in the air when we arrived in the hall outside the ICU. Cold metal chairs and oppressively white wall greeted me. To say I felt sad and remorseful would be an understatement. I felt devastated, broken, and petrified. I couldn’t cry anymore- my eyes had run of out of tears. The beats of my heart were so painful that each every beat made my chest ache terribly.

      Samantha, I don’t know what I’ll do if you don’t make it. Please don’t leave. Just be alright.

Words looped inside my head in fragmented lines as I stared hard at the double doors of her room. The nurse bowed her head slightly. Jay muttered a silent thank you before she scurried off in the opposite direction.

 I spotted Matthew sitting on one of benches next to the door of ICU. Like a dead corpse, he sat still. I couldn’t even tell if he was breathing or not. His green eyes were now the color of red wine- from tears or stress- I don’t know.

He was staring at the bleach white wall, his lips in a grim line. Jay’s hand left mine-leaving the cold, hospital air to flow through my numb fingers.

He strode to his best-fried and patted his shoulder. Matthew looked up at Jay and let out a loud sob. My heart broke at the sound.

      “Sh-she- los-lost lot of blood. She’s not going to make it,” Words left Matthews’s mouth in  a blubbering mess.

Jay didn’t say anything and stood there silently behind Matthew. He looked just as broken as Matthew was. I could feel the pain and stress radiating off him.

I averted my eyes. Honestly, if I watched them any longer, I will break down right here, right now and no-one will be able to help me, not even Jay.

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