Chapter 20.2: Movie Night, Interrupted

Start from the beginning

He stamped the thought out before it spiraled. He had to focus.

"I think the important thing," he said, as diplomatically as he could, "is what you feel about it." 

Luckily, this time the subject change seemed to work.

"Honestly?" Todd asked, leaning against the wall. "I think I'm starting to become okay with. It's a lot of responsibility on top of everything else I'm doing. I'm still kind of in shock that he asked me to do it at all. Like, out of all of the kids in the program, he chose me to lead it up?"

He kicked the linoleum absently with one foot, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

"This is a national program. This guy knows the president. My dad is a security guard. Isn't this out of my depth? Am I qualified for this?"

"Yeah," Wyatt replied. "Obviously."

"What do you mean?" Todd asked.

"Todd, you are totally suited this," Wyatt admitted. As much as he may night like it, it was clear to him that this position was perfect for Todd.

"You've been a Student Body Officer twice," he explained. "You've been a superhero since before you had a Facebook account. You've busted major drug operations, put supervillains behind bars, you've been to..."

He stopped short. They both didn't like to talk about it.

"Well, you know where we've both been to. You always take point when we do team-ups with other heroes. This position is so far inside your wheelhouse, that is just an actual wheel in your house."

"Really?" Todd asked. 

"Well, yeah," Wyatt repeated, with a shrug.

"But, he even passed up the Crow to give the job. The Crow! And he's the best. He's worked with every major team in the world. he was trained by the Raven himself. They sell plushies of him! How could he pick me over him?"

Wyatt actually hadn't thought about the Crow. Wyatt couldn't imagine passing up the Crow for anybody. He was in awe every time he was in the same room as the Crow. He had thought about buying one of those plushies.

"Yeah, well, screw the Crow," Wyatt said confidently. He looked up and down the hallway to double check that the Crow had not suddenly appeared in the hallway. He wouldn't dare to say it if the Crow was in earshot.

Todd laughed, his wide carefree grin finally returning to his face.

"You wouldn't say that if he were here," Todd said. 

"No, I would not," Wyatt agreed quickly. "And if you tell anybody, I will straight up call you a liar."

They laughed together in the quiet hallway. Wyatt had missed this.

"Well, we want to get back in there," Todd said. "Gary is probably chomping at the bit to get going again."

"I would be more worried about Lyndsie. She's probably waiting for her big, strong Todd to come back. 

"Ugh," Todd said rolling his eyes. "Don't remind me. I don't mind her or anything, but she just won't leave me alone. Every time I see her, she's laser-focused into me. Tonight is the worst I've ever seen her."

"At least, you got to sit on the floor with Amy," Wyatt said. "That probably wasn't so bad."

"Yeah, but I didn't want to sit too close to her. I didn't want to come between you guys or anything. In case you guys have anything going on."

Even Todd thought there was something between him and Amy, he beamed to himself. Not that there was of course, but Wyatt was secretly glad that Todd thought that their might be.

"No, we're not... We're just friends," Wyatt insisted. "Why would you think that?"

Now it was Todd's turn to state the obvious. He looked at Ryan like he'd said the sky was green.

"Because she invited you to her movie night," Todd explained. "If I hadn't been there, she wouldn't have invited me. And you guys eat like every meal together. You guys are together every time I see you. Plus, she's like exactly your type."

"You think so?" Wyatt asked innocently.

"Yeah," Todd said. "She's funny. She's weird. She's really chill. And she is very attractive. That's your jam. If anything, it's weird that you aren't together."

Wyatt bit his lip.

"Oh, well, she's got a boyfriend back home, and we decided that it would be best if we just stayed friends."

Todd nodded slowly.

"Is that why you wore your nicest shirt?" he asked wryly, pointing at Wyatt's navy blue button-up.

"This is a nice movie night," Wyatt replied. "Why shouldn't I dress up?"

"Whatever, man," Todd laughed. "I'm just glad you're thinking about dating again. It's been a long time."

"Oi!" Gary called out from the room. "Are we going to finish this movie or what?"

"Alright, I have officially regained feeling in my tush. I'm ready to head back whenever you are."

Wyatt just smiled as he followed his friend back into the room. It was nice to have his best friend back. After everything that was going on at the school, it was nice to know that at least that part of his life was normal.

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