I Don't Know What I Want

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A couple of days went by and here we are graduating. I can fully take control of my country even though I was already doing that but most of them are taking full control. We were all glad that we made it but sametime we are going to miss the company of other countries. At least we still have contact with each other. Somehow Russia still tried to be with me but I completely avoided him. I don't want to feel the pain again from losing him. After the ceremony Japan invited everyone to a party they expected for Iceland since she still stuck in the hospital because of the number. The parents didn't want to come so it was us teens ready to go crazy! Once I enter the party everyone that I know was drinking like the world is going to end. I didn't pay mind because we all live for our own country. I head to where the alcohol is so I can get a drink down with the last of my friends. "What up guys am I late to the party or what?" Japan just laughed at me and handed me a drink. "America Sama just drink up. The night is young!" I nod and drink on my Jack Daniel's.

The night was going great to my opinion. I was getting more drunk by the minute if I keep at it I'm going to pass out. I was walking around the dorms house looking for a place that I could just lay there for a while before I would be able to go back home. I felt someone grab my arm to spin me around. To behold, who did this was Russia, a drunk one. His face was a blushing mess. "Существует мой рулон корицы!?"(There is my cinnamon roll!?) He said as he pulled me close by and gave me a smile on my face. I was blushing a little bit because of his deep russian accent. "Америке...stop avoiding me?" He hiccuped and I was looking away from him. I know that got him annoyed then he put me in an empty vacon room that must have been an Iceland room. Most of the stuff was set on fire from the rage of Japan. "Meri I love you..." I look at him in the eyes knowing what I truly feel about him and he knows what it is from looking at me in my eyes past through my sunglasses. I don't know if it is the liquor in my system but at this moment I don't care for the moment. Our lips touch each other. The taste of him is what I was hooked on for so long and I need it desperately.

Normal POV

America and Russia make out with each other and America transforms himself back into a girl. Russia pinned her on the bed. Russia started to kiss him on his neck a bit hard. America moans loudly from pleasure. "R-Ruskie!" She moaned. America pins Russia down as they take each other's clothes as they kiss each other for dominance. They were left only their underwear on as Russia regained dominance on America. His knee touched America's crotch causing her to moan. America looks into Russia's eyes to see the full of lust. "I want you..." America said as Russia slid down both underwear. "I'm glad now let's enjoy this." Russia put himself inside her cause they both moaned at the sametime. It's been awhile for both of them to do this to teach others. He started thrust into her slowly as she moaned a little bit enjoying every part. "Ruskie faster please." Russia nods and starts to thrust in a faster paste. The faster he went the louder the moans came out of America's mouth. It didn't matter how loud she was because the music was blasting too loud for anyone to hear them. Every single thrust both of their love for each other grows stronger than before. The thrust of each other's America was close to cum but she held it so she could feel him more in her. "Meri I'm close." "Same!" Russia chose to increase the speed to unhumanity. America moans sound like screams from pleasure. Russia one last time cumming into her as they both gasp of release pleasure. Russia leans into her and kisses her once again. He pulled out and lay beside her. America snuggles up into his chest. "Mm...that was amazing." "I couldn't say anything better than that." Russia put the blanket over them as she pulled her closer to him before both of them fell asleep.

In the Morning

America POV

I woke up to a warmth around me and it was so nice. I yawn lightly and open my eyes to see red? I moved my head up to see that it was Russia beside me. I start to internally panic, not want him to wake up. I carefully got out of bed replacing myself as a pillow. Once I was out of the blanket. I noticed that I was completely naked. What exactly happened last night. Then soon everything started flooding back to me. My face started heating up. I put on my hoodie and headed to South Korea room, who was already getting ready to leave soon. "Morning Ame. I see you had a pleasant night." My face starts to get red again. "Shush you can I borrow some underwear and I'll allow you to take two outfit from my closet of your liking." S. Korea thought about it for a few seconds and agreed to the deal before handing me the underwear. "I just want two of your hoodies alright?" I hum to understand and left to get change. I quickly put my clothes on and left the dorm house as fast I could leave a note for him if he was confused about what happened.

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