The States Know...

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New York text in the group chat telling today was a wrap to head to a hotel and get some rest for tomorrow's meeting. New York grabbed her bag and headed to her mansion since it is very close to the meet area. The other states took a hotel or who live near close went home. They all went to sleep on the thought of what is happening so far in their collection. They had gathered up data and made a jot on the work of their laptop or phone.

Meanwhile, Russia and Iceland were having a normal time date. Iceland was happy that she finally got her senpai from that Navi person she was trying to be good enough for him. "Hey Icy?" Iceland hum to Russia calling her. "What is my senpai?" "Why did America get angry at me? I just felt guilty for what happened at dinner. I felt sadder when I saw her kissing that other person." Iceland looked at Russia's eyes as it started to glow back and forth from the dolled eyes to icy cold stares with tears starting to fall down his face. Shit, the potion is wearing off!? She thought as she went in her purse and looked through for her needles. Once she got it she wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, babe it's just nothing!" She stabs him in the arm while giving him a big smile. "You probably had caused something to her family that caused her to be angry at you. You should not pay mind to it." Russia's eyes went back to dolled eyes again.

Delaware was just getting back and he spotted him getting injected with the needle by her. So which got Delaware and the idea to walk up to them. He was sipping his 7/11 Slurpee blueberry raspberry flavor and snack he bought. "Hi, Papa!" Delaware said with a smile waving at Russia with a smile. Delaware looked to see that he did have no spark in the eyes. "What up Del!?" Delaware sighs with relief that he gains some regulation of him. "So you and mom are not a thing anymore. It's very much a shame..." Russia looked confused at him. Delaware just smirked and gave him a hug telling him it's okay. He looked and pointed at Iceland. "Ah, you must be the girl that has been called a bitch by everyone I meet today. Mother doesn't even like you and that is very hard to come by ma'am." Delaware walked up close up to Iceland not giving her a chance of the night to say anything. "You know that messing with her. You're gonna have to face the music and wrath of her 50th state and own property to place children. Oh, I'm mostly the nice one out of the 50th state children. If we find out what you did to mess with her in some type of way." While he was upon her he grabbed those needles that aren't used yet and took it out of her bag into her pocket. Iceland started to become scared causing Russia to become defiant and got Delaware away from her. He scoffed at his action, "If we EVER find out you had done to our mother and father relationship. You better pray that you make it out of the country before we get our hands on you. Because we can't promise you would see another day after we get to you." Delaware turned around and started walking to his hotel. He stopped in his place but didn't turn around to face them. "You already gained two stricks from the 50 states of America. Get one more you better pray that our mother can get us to calm down and not kill you. But trust me we won't stop haunting you until we get our thirst of punishing you or hurting our mother..." Delaware kept on walking away towards the hotel he was staying in.

He entered the room he was staying in with Maryland. "Yo bro you would not believe what I found coming back from 7/11!?" Maryland came in from the bathroom with just sweatpants and a towel around his neck. "Shot at me what you have?" He took the tens of needles out of his bag and put it on the desk in the room they had. "Holy shit! Why the hell do you have this!?" Delaware just smiled at his dear brother. "Well as I was walking back with our snacks. I spotted our father with that bitch who stole him from mom. I saw the look in dad's eyes was a doll and slowly started to come into his normal eyes. But then that girl put something in him whatever is in that needle caused him to go back to his eye into the doll. It seems he can't be in control of his body and emotions when this drug is in his system." Maryland was surprised by what he got in for us. He sighs and looks at Delaware, "Okay go change into your nightclothes then in the morning for the meeting we can show the evidence we had got from this." Delaware agreed with him before he went to the bathroom to take a shower then put on his pj before flopping his bed to knock out.

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