Was that hard?

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Confederacy POV

What I saw was a girl in the bathroom that looks like my brother. "Ame is that you?" "Confed help me! I'm a hold girl now!!!" Yeah, that's America alright. "Mom, can you come in here?" France enters in the room was in shook but wasn't surprised. "Welp looks like you going to be a female for the rest of your life, Ame," France said with a smile on her face. America calms down a bit but felt a different way.  

America POV

Does Russia is going to still love me if I was a girl? But I felt tears fallen down my face. "America are you okay?" Mom asked in worried in her voice. "Y-Yeah just give me some space please." Confederacy and France nod before leaving me in the bathroom and I close while locking the door. I cried thinking about Russia leaving me. I heard someone knock on the door. "W-Who is it?" "It's me, Ame..." I heard Russia voice I choose not to respond to him but I heard him slide on the door. "Ame please open the door or at least talk to me." I didn't still respond to him because I'm afaird of what he thought of me. "L-Leave m-me a-a lone." I chocked out through my tears. I heard a laugh coming from the other side. "You really think you could get rid of me this easily?" I smile through my tears that he won't leave me. "Ame I haven't told but I'm bisexual so this doesn't really change how I feel about you. I don't care if you a female or male. You cute in any way so does it really matters?" I start to cry harder because what he said was I just what I want to hear. He knocks on the door, "Ame are you okay? Did I said something wrong!?" "Hehe no, you didn't Ruskie. Can you go get my mom please?" I heard footsteps walk away from the door. How I'm going to deal with these things? I touch these big watermelons on my chest and move them up and down. "Ame stop messing with your breast and open the door. It's just me and little sister." I heard mom from the other side. I listen to her and open the door. I notice my little sister lit up with excitement. "I can finally teach someone about women stuff!" I rolled my eyes and hold up my breast. France looks down at them and thinks about it for a while. "It looks like you an M-38. That's very impressive since you just transform into a female." I blushing a little and looked away. France and New Zealand taught me about how to put on a bra and about women's time of the month. It seems gross but it's was life. I change into some clothes that in my clothes before heading downstairs. 

"So mom do you know what's America looks like?" Heard Canada asked as I walking into the living room. "Well, I think look kinda amazing." Everyone looked at me and notice Russia start to having a nose bleed. "Since when you turn into a girl!?" USSR asked and Riech hum in an agreement. "Well look hot Ame." Britain fake cough, "For your correction Russia. She not hot because the only thing hot is tea. But in fact she beautiful and like a queen like her mother." Everyone starts laughing expect for mom and me because we both were in a blushing me crazy. "Well this won't be a pain at all but I think I can handle this!" I said with a smile. "Hmm just wait until when it's hard for you soon." New Zealand said with a twisted smile on her face. I just ignore her because nothing is going to happen. 

[A couple of months past]

I finally ready to go back to school and I have my government under my control again. Russia and I have been somewhat together for the hold time but he started going back to school a couple of months after the problem. The alarm clock goes off and I let a low growled. I don't want to get up yet. I turn around and turn off the alarm. "Ruskie wake up and make some pancakes for me please." Russia opens his eyes and looked down at me gave me a smile. "Anything for my princess." He said kissing my forehead before getting out of bed. When he got out of bed he put his clothes on and glance at his ass. "Well it's not a nice view from here.~" I said with a smirk. He laughed at me as I get up from the bed. "Well, I could say I see the amazing view from here cutie." I know he was winking at me that my body has gotten hotter. "S-Shut up!" I shouted which made him laughed harder. I put on my clothes on [A/N: The outfit in the image] before I head downstairs to the amazing smile of pancakes being made by him. I hugged him from behind. "I hope no one overreacts to me." "Well, they probably but in a good way." I nod as he put my pancakes on the plates. We go start eating our breakfast as we talk about what's is going to happen. We hear feet come down and see somewhat tired Confederacy. "Coffee is already bro," I said as I finish up my pancakes. "Thanks, guys. Are you ready for back to school Ame?" I nod with a big smile on my face. We all grabbed our bag and head outside to get into the car. I have driven to the school to listen to some music. I parked at my spot. I saw that Mexico was waiting at the spot. "Look it's your lover Confed!~" "S-Shut u-up!" He stutters while blushing and I thought it was kinda funny. I took some deep breaths before getting out of the car.  

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