Foolish Act

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Normal POV

It's been a couple of months since the problem. China has apologized for his action on trying to destroy Russia and America's relationship. America easily forgives him but Russia didn't fully trust his words anymore. China also had apologized to North Korea. North Korea had doubts about him but forgive him. Aftermath from the beat-up from America's brothers China and North Korea started dating each other. As some countries start moving back to their homes or apartments before school starts up again in the last of both Russia and America last year before dealing with their own country. America was so happy that he can have his hold family in the school with him even though they under him but who cares. America phones alarm clock goes off while she cuddling up with Russia.  "Mmm...Ame turns that off." America turns around to look and grabbed her phone turn off the alarm. She looks at her phone to see it's 4 o'clock in the morning. She got out of the bed and put on some clothes on comfortable clothes before heading downstairs to make them some breakfast while Russia gets up to take a shower. America makes some simple grits with bacon and toast. America quickly eats fast before head upstairs to their room to change into her outfit of the day. Russia heads downstairs with a towel on which he eats his food. While he is eating his food America head downstairs and start to clean the dishes. Russia started to eye down America how her outfit looking good for her own good. He stands up and walks up to her then hugs her from the back. America gasp as she felt his towel fallen down onto the floor. "R-Ruskie!?" She gasps in a slight moan as he attacks her neck. "Ame you look too good at the moment cutie." America turns around and kisses him while he left him up on the counter. As they keep kissing Russia wants to take off her clothes. America pulls away and smirks, "Let's finish this tonight we have the first day of school." Russia nods before letting her go and heading upstairs to get dress. America finishes up with the dishes before sitting on the couch waiting for Russia. Russia comes downstairs with both of their bags in his hand. "You ready to go, babe?" America nods before getting up and grabbing the keys of the car. They get in and drive off to school. 

America park at her normal spot. She notices something to the corn of her eyes white triangle on the left of their face with a yellow star inside, red on top, and blue on the bottom. It can't be him? she thought but just shake it off because of the thought he might be seeing things. They got out of the car as Confederacy pulls in with his girl Mexico in the passager seat. America gave him the smug look as looking at both of them. "Since when this happen?" America asked with a smirk as both of them start blushing crazy. "Shut up sis!" Confederacy spotted at her as Mexico just laugh at him being flustered. Meanwhile with the other siblings of America. Ukraine and Canada walk into the school holding hands while the other two talk with each about random stuff. New Zealand spotted America talking to her group so she grabbed Australia and booked down towards her. "Morning Ame!?" She shouted with a smile on her face. America returns with a smile and gave her a hug. "Ah look at you! You had grown into a beautiful lady." She said as spinning her around. New Zealand just laughed at how silly her sister was towards her. "Anyway, I can't wait to see who is my roommate!!?" Russia laughed remember the chaos the first day of school was. "Well, you never that your roommate is your soulmate," Russia said as he wraps his around America small waist pulling her close to him. She blushes a little bit being embarrassed by what he just said about her. Meanwhile, someone was staring at them and growled at the disgusting sight he is seeing he want to push the wall badly but there is no were to hit the wall. "Mar? Are you okay?" His little sister asked with worried in her tone. He shakes off his distraction and gave her a smile. "Of course I'm okay sunshine. How about we go inside and get our schedule." She nods as he led her inside to head towards the main office. As they walk to the main office they chat about how it's going to be fun having each other in the same school together. "Big bro, am I correct that sister in law goes to this school too?" He takes their paper and hands her paper. "Yeah, she the most beautiful country you would ever see."  He starts to gaze at the ring again and starts to remember how amazing and fun was spending time with America. He still pisses off that she has betrayed him. 

The bell has a ring and they both said they goodbyes before splitting up with each other to head to their homeroom. He went inside in the homeroom and to his surprise, he sees his fence is in his homeroom, the United States of America, she was just as beautiful as the last time he had sawed her at the last time. She was gazing out the window while being dozed off from the world can't touch her while listening to music probable. He walks up to her and sits next to her. Just as she put her headphone and about to introduce herself to the person who had sat next to her. But there were no words was able to come out of her mouth. "Well hello to you too my darling." He said taking her hand and kiss it with a smile on his face looking at her. She yanks her hand away from him with a tiny bit of blush on her face. "Please not now Mar..." America mumbles looking away from him. He was about to say something but the bell rings. The teacher walks into the room and starts explaining this is their last year before they can control their government. Some people cheer with excitement while America starts thinking about what she going to about him. She has to tell Russia but she not ready. She knows those feeling are there but she not ready to accept it. America looked up and saw Russia walk in the room rubbing the back of his neck. "Why are you late Russia?" He just rolled his eyes, "I had to help my little siblings with direction to her homeroom." Russia walks over towards America and notices there a guy in his seat but he didn't mind because he probably new and he wants to make friends with someone so he sat down next to Germany. "You must know that there is a change in dorms rules. You are put in a group of four. I would paste out of the paper on the list on who is your other three roommates." She said as she starts to pass them out. When America gain her paper her heart dropped. To the corner of her eyes he was smiling and blushing. I feel something is going to be bad from this...America thought while the bell rings. She got up quickly before he grabbed her hand again. Russia was getting up but until he was yanked out of the room by a hurried American. "Ame was going on?" Russia asked with worry in his tone. "Nothing it's just I want to leave that room so we can get to class quickly since it's getting crowd now." Russia felt resources in her statement. 

For the hold day, everyone was mostly packing their stuff up. Russia and America won't be roommates these years since they were together. The crazy part since America had a mansion she had more roommates so she was okay because the number of people in the school had increase. She had agreed to have only four roommates. "Russia you better come to visit me kay?" Russia gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Oh, of course, I will my dear. I'm going to miss cuddles with and other things." America starts blushing red as Russia puts his head on her shoulder. "You such a tease!" America stated as she stands up while Russia laughs his ass off on the bed. Russia look at his phone to check the time. "Well look like I should head off and see in my place with N. Korea, S. Korea, Japan, Germany, and Poland." America was in shock how many people are roommates with him. Russia grabbed his suitcase and America walk him to the door. America open the door and then someone jumps to hug her. "Big sister!" A country said with a big smile across her face. Russia was confused with what that girl is talking about. "Ame what is she talking about you don't have any other siblings." America had panic in her eyes figure in our way to lie on the way out of this. "O-Oh it's nothing..." The small country pulls away and looked at her with confusion. "She lies, sir. She is the United States of America! My sister in law!" She shouted with excitement. Russia looked dumbfounded on what this country is talking about. "America explain yourselves please." America was lost in her own mind. "I-I.." She was cut off by someone off. "Meri love. Just tell him that you been engaged for a while. You know it's not good to lie." Russia recognized the guy who enters the house wraps his arms around America's waste. "Is this true America?" America didn't want to look eyes contact with Russia so she doesn't want to break down with tears. Russia just sighs in defeat, "I guess we over. I hope you have a lovely marriage." Russia walks out of the mansion and got in his car before driving off. America starts crying and wants to go after him. "Let me go Martial!" America shouted which he completely her request ignores. "No, we have unpacking to do and talk about your foolish act of hiding away from me....." America just gave up and nods with the agreement. She has a lot of explaining to do.

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