What's This Feeling?

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Normal POV

As they both lean closer to each other. Russia closes the gab by passionately kissing him. America was too drunk to care but he enjoyed it kissing him back. Both of them kissing as rustle with each other on who is on top of each other. Russia sets up and puts America on his lap before they break in kissing with each other. Russia slowly starts kissing America down to his neck. He looks for America spot as he looks America start to grind on him making ground. "Mmm...you so big Russ~!" America smirks as Russia starts blushing. America let out of a moan when Russia finally found the spot. Russia just smirks and starts to attack that spot sucking it soon leaving a mark on it then soon start to bite down on it with making him moan louder. Russia looks at it with a smile with accomplishment that he claims him. "Russs~ I want you badly!" America whine will grind on Russia. Russia just smirk, "Let's go to my room then?" America just nods as he was being lifted as they both start making out with each other again. As they try to start to get to Russia's room they both taking each other close off with desperation with each other while moan let out. Russia pins America on his bed as all of them were naked. America looks at up at him with lust in his eyes. "I hope you ready for me~!" America starts to blushing red looking at him while Russia starts to smirk become wider. Russia line himself at America's entrance without any hesitance he slides in caused making a small moan as America start to drooling on his big Russia length. "R-Russ... please!" Russia just nods and starts to thrust in him. America starts to moan louder and louder as the thrust Russia. He loved the sound coming from America mouth causing him to thrust faster and faster. "R-Russ p-please I'm gonna-" Russia pull up to sit up and he starts kissing him while thrusting faster and harder paste as he was coming close. America cums on himself moaning louder as Russia bites down on his right shoulder as thrusting faster. The last thrust Russia cums inside while slowly he allows every single drop in him. He pulls out then lay down on the bed. America moves closer towards him before cuddling into his chest. "That was amazing Russ," America said with a sleepy voice Russia just chuckle at him looking at him with a smile. Russia put the blanket over them before they have fallen asleep peacefully after they what they did.

America POV

I heard my phone goes off in a distance. I was woken up loving how so warm it was. Sitting up and notice I wasn't in my room but Russia's room!? I was confused about what happened. I quickly and quietly got out of the bed not waking him up. I notice we both are naked and sticky then soon everything starts to flashback on what happened last night. I went out of his room straight to my room to where my phone was going off. I see it was Canada who is calling me. "Morning Maple Syrup." I went to the bathroom to check if there any hickey on my neck which there was not just one but several. "I'm so glad that you pick up! You need to get home right now." I was a bit confused about why he saying that. "What do you mean bro?" "Dad is beating mom.." The grip of my phone is getting stronger that made me almost broke my phone. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes just put the youngest and yourself in my room then lock it." I hang up before he could say anything. I quickly took a shower. Dry off put on some waterproof makeup cover my hickey on my neck because the other one was on my shoulder. I put on combo pants then some NATO shirt and putting on combo boots. I put some glass of water and pain killer on the side of the bed was Russia's phone is at with a note and the car keys so he gets to school on time. Putting a leather jacket on before grabbing my motorcycle bike. I quickly walk out then locked the door. I put on my helmet before hopping on my bike. I ride off in a quick speed back home. I won't let her get harmed by that monster! The rage in me getting bigger and bigger. I arrived back at the house instance I heard the scream inside the house. I bust down the door breaking it knowing that I have the key to the house. I see mom on the floor in a fetal position as my father keeps hitting her with the cane. I run up to him and punch him across the face. "How dare you hit your wife!!!?" I scream at the top of my lungs. Britain looks at me with rage in his eyes. He rushes at me where we both of us start to fight each other. I noticed Canada rush down the stairs and help mom up. "I'll call your Secret Service!" He shouted as he put his mother in the kitchen as he reaches my emergency phone. I kept beating the living shit out him. Every single blow was getting harder by time from the many time he has abused me for being different from his order. After the last hit, he has fallen to the floor knocked out cold. "Canada get the rope." Canada nods after he hangs up he walks over to the closet and return to me with the ropes. I had tied up this piece of shit that shouldn't be even called to be a father. 

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