The Worry Is Over?

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Normal POV

It's a couple of weeks after the huge fight in Russia. Conferedary ends the war between Russia and the United States of America under a week before the instant happens. The doctor had kept a good eye on America because Russia threatens the hospital to make sure she is going to be fine if not there will be some problem if he finds anything wrong. Everyday Russia had come inside the hospital chance if she was alright. America has been two months pregnant with their child and every day that has been counted Russia becomes scared with not process of her waking up anytime soon. 

Russia walks into the hospital and told the nurse he going to visit America. They allow him to go by and head towards her room. There is a nurse who was in there check on her and the baby. "Oh good morning sir! You just got here just in time we about check the baby and we can see what it gender." The nurse said with a smile. Russia's eyes brighten up with joy on his face and walk over to change the flowers by putting it back in a bowl with fresh water. Russia set beside America and holds her hands. The nurse lifts her shirt up and puts some type of cream on her belly. There was a notice of a slight movement that caught Russia's eyes but not the nurse. She was moving the equipment around her bell to see where is the baby. "Ah! There it is." "So can tell me what's gender is ma'am?" Russia asked with accession as the nurse nods before looking back again. "It's a boy, sir." Russia smiles and looks at America before kissing her hand.

Meanwhile, Russia sits around in America's hospital room. Inside her head, she had a conversation. The person is childlike Texa. America was holding onto him tightly and crying saying how much she misses her crazy child. "Mom don't worry I'm going reborn to the thanks to papa." He said hugging her while rubbing her back to calm her down. "I'm so glad that you going to be reborn plus you are going to grow fast since you already existed."Texas laughed at her how she explained how he going to be growing. "True mom but I won't be worried you will have a real baby with Papa." America blushing read that as soon every single state children start to appear in her head. "We heard about the fight mom! It's about to be time for you to wake up. You making papa worried sake about you." America sigh, "Fine just give me two more days." "You better wake up in two days. I can't handle angry Canada." Confederacy said with annoyance in his tone making America laughed while humming in agreeing with the terms. 

All of Russia and America siblings are gather in Ottawa, Canada in Canada pint house. They gather with each other with a meeting on what evidence they had fine. "We all believed it was China who done this to our family." Everyone hums with the agreement what Belaures said. Canada was losing his temper by almost getting up and grabbing his ax. Confederacy grabs him and sits him back down. "Nada! This is the fucking 10th time you try to leave and murder China this day!" Canada growled in rage and trying to get out of Confederacy arms. "Let me go!" Canada got off his grasp and he ran for his ax. Just as he grabbed it was shot out of his hand but gunshot by Confederacy. "I'm not fucking playing with you Canada. Test me one more time and I will shoot you in your knee cap!" Canada nods and backs away from his weapon as Confederacy is at the breaking soon. "Did you get in contact with America?" Australia asked while he drinks his juice as Russia's siblings look dumbfound on what he just said. "Yeah, she would be waking up in two more days as I'm trying to remain my cool. Her children are in their stars and making the prosses go faster so I give her about a day and a couple of hours." He said as he lit a cigarette and walking outside to puff the cigarette. New Zealand hate seeing her older brother smoking but she understands he under stress since he somewhat a country if he didn't lose to America in the Civil War between them. Confederacy promises her not to smoke because he only smokes when he stresses and not for the hell of it. 

Next-Day in the Afternoon

America opens her eyes and gasp for air as sitting up while her states come out of their stars. The nurse comes on in the room and check on America and went in shock up. "Oh! Ma'am, I'll call Russia that you awake." As she turns around about to head out of the room Delaware grabbed her arms and shake his head with disagreement. "We want to surprise papa that mom is wake so don't tell." She nods but she told them that she will bring the doctor to check on America with the wounds and the baby. California, Florida, Washington, and New York went out of the hospital heading to pick something to eat for everyone. It took only about three hours before they were able to return with the number of different kinds of McDonald's bags. Washington cares about all of America's meals because she eats a lot from her hunger from being in a coma for a while. "We have arrived my fellow states!" New York with cheer in her tone with a smile. Florida, California, and New York hand their sibling their bags of meal with drinks while Washington gave his mother her food. "Thank you, my dear. You guys can sit outside to give Papa a sign that I'm awake." The states all nod before they left America's room and goes to the guest room to eat their food. "Papa is going be in shock right?" Hawai asked with a cheerful tone as she eats her 10 pic McNuggets meal. Missippi hum in agreement, "Yes Hawai, Papa doesn't know what's going to hit him." Just as she said that Russia walks in the hospital humming a Russian song and head to the nursing station. Just as he walked up to tell the nurse that he was going to see America. He smells McDonald he turns around to see the state who was staring at him. He felt tears about to form in his eyes. "I-Is s-she?" The only words that he was able to choke out. They gave him a big smile and nod at him before he bolted down to the hospital to head to his lover room. 

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