Rescue?... Assassination

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The scene opens with Xiao Bai and Liu Feng sparring with bamboo sticks. Liu Feng easily unarms and wins Xiao Bai because he was distracted by his worry for Chun Hua. As they discussed the fact that many days had gone by without word from the spy, Chief Leng stops by to report that Qiu Yue was becoming suspicious and that they would have to put the plan on hold. That night, Xiao Bai impulsively went to Qian Yue Cave to look for Chun Hua and Liu Feng tagged along because he was worried. They arrive at the foggy lotus pond pavilion and split up to find the entrance to Qian Yue Cave. However, the both of them ended back at where they had separated and Xiao Bai had wanted to continue searching for Chun Hua but Liu Feng advised that they should return to Feng Ming Manor for now.

Ye Xing Zhu reports back to Qiu Yue that Chun Hua had been digging through her food as if she were looking for treasure. Gu Xing Zhu then enters the hall to report that there were groups of people camping out at Qian Yue Cave’s vicinity, adding that Chun Hua’s presence had put them directly at odds with Feng Ming Manor, commenting that it wasn’t favourable to them. Ye Xing Zhu promptly tells him off, saying that Qiu Yue had his own plans and that he shouldn’t interfere. After Gu Xing Zhu excused himself, Qiu Yue asked Ye Xing Zhu what she thought his plan was. She replies that Feng Ming Manor, Chuan Qi Valley and Qian Yue Cave had been in a standoff for too long. The good sects had suffered heavy losses from the Longevity Fruit auction event and Chun Hua was a good chess piece that could trigger a change. Qiu Yue narrowed his eyes at her as he told her in a firm voice that Chun Hua is his sister, not a chess piece.

 Qiu Yue narrowed his eyes at her as he told her in a firm voice that Chun Hua is his sister, not a chess piece

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QY: “The black piece thought that he could keep the white piece safe by confining her”

It was soon time for breakfast and after checking that she was alone, Chun Hua dumped out her rice, finding another note. Before she could read it, Qiu Yue came looking for her and she quickly hid the note in her clothes. Qiu Yue suggested that they played a game of chess but when Chun Hua told him that she didn’t know how to play, Qiu Yue used the pieces as an analogy, with the black piece representing him and the white piece representing her. He told her that in order to be with the white piece, the black piece had racked his brains, thinking that if he confined the white piece, everything will be fine. However, the black piece soon realised that he was too different from the white piece and the more he tried, the more the white piece suffered. Chun Hua then asked if he had thought about what to do next. Clenching his fists, Qiu Yue replied that he didn’t know. After Qiu Yue left, Chun Hua reads the note which told her to meet at the lotus pond at 5-7am.

Later, Ye Xing Zhu reports to Qiu Yue that she had found poison in Chun Hua’s food that morning. Even though they still had no idea who the culprit was, Qiu Yue ordered for the servant that brought the food to Chun Hua to be killed.

That night, Chun Hua had a dream that Xiao Bai came to rescue her. Qiu Yue then appears and Xiao Bai stabs him. Chun Hua wakes up with a start, relief settling in when she realised it was just a dream. However, she soon finds herself tearing up uncontrollably and she is confused, feeling that she should be happy if Qiu Yue died, reminding herself that her husband is Xiao Bai.

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