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QY: “Here, Ge Ge will help you to put it on

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QY: “Here, Ge Ge will help you to put it on.”

Qiu Yue shows Chun Hua a pair of ice silkworm pearls, gifting one to her. He explains that the pearls could call out to each other and that if one of them died, the other wouldn’t be able to survive. He then helped her to put it on, telling her to speak an incantation whenever she needed help or wanted to see him. He chose “春华秋月何时了” (When will the Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon end) and remembering what had happened at the poem meet, Chun Hua asked if they could choose something else but Qiu Yue refused, saying that the Ice Silkworm babies had already heard it. He then instructed her to let it bask in the moonlight every night and Chun Hua giggled, saying that she had never heard of such a thing. Qiu Yue told her that as long as there was Xiao Bai who basked in the sunlight, there would be him who basked in the moonlight. Chun Hua soon realised the time and told Qiu Yue that she had to leave. He was reluctant to let her go and only agreed after making her promise to get the Xin Fa in ten days.

It was already midnight by the time Chun Hua returned to the inn and despite the hour, Xiao Bai was pacing the inn’s entrance as he waited for her to return

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It was already midnight by the time Chun Hua returned to the inn and despite the hour, Xiao Bai was pacing the inn’s entrance as he waited for her to return. Chun Hua then made up a story about going to buy mooncakes, getting lost and hungry, eating said mooncakes, then going to buy more. Xiao Bai didn’t question her further, only telling her that he had something to discuss with her. Sitting across from each other at a table, Xiao Bai handed her a scroll which she assumed was a present from him. Upon unrolling the scroll, she thanked him excitedly as she asked when he had gotten someone to do this painting of her. He then explained that he had visited the Hua family and Lord Hua had recognised the painting to be of his daughter, Hua Xiao Lei. Chun Hua’s excitement died down when she heard this, not initially making the connection. When she finally did, confusion set in as she pondered how she could be Qiu Yue’s sister and Xiao Bai’s fiancee at the same time. Seeing her confusion, Xiao Bai suggested that they went to visit the Hua family together the next day. Still confused by the turn of events, Chun Hua asked if he had long suspected her identity as Hua Xiao Lei. Xiao Bai started blushing furiously, only replying her with one word “scar”, before excusing himself to let her rest for the night.

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