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Xiao Bai went forward to inspect the stalk of flower and tells Chun Hua that it had been left by Liu Feng. With no other way to open the heavy stone door, Chun Hua suggests that he blasted it open with his Feng Ming Sword last move.

Inside, Chief Leng had arrived at the heart of the stone cave-like place and finally meets the mysterious Mr Shi face to face. When he asked for the Longevity Fruit, he was offered a stack of money instead, which angered him greatly. He then attacked Mr Shi but soon realised that the ‘Mr Shi’ was just a puppet. He then notices a huge rectangular box at the end of the room and starts to approach it when the five youngsters arrive. Leng Ning runs forward to hug her father, extremely relieved that he was fine. At that moment, Fu Lou appears and immediately blasted open the rectangular box. When he saw what was inside, he commented that he wasn’t interested and told them that it might interest them more. It turns out that the rectangular box was a coffin and inside was Chief Feng’s body. Cai Cai was devastated and while the rest confronted Fu Lou, she held her father’s hand and was unwittingly poisoned.

Back at Qian Yue Cave, Ye Xing Zhu returned with wine from Bi Shui City that he had requested. When she asked why he suddenly wanted to try it when they have their own, he told her that she was being too talkative today but still answered her question, saying that he just wanted to have a taste of the human world. He was however disappointed because it (was inferior to the one at Qian Yue Cave?) didn’t meet his expectations.

 He was however disappointed because it (was inferior to the one at Qian Yue Cave?) didn’t meet his expectations

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( Consultation with the Medical Sage’s brother, Dr Pu )

To cure Cai Cai’s poison, the four youngsters had invited countless doctors but none of them had any solution. They finally went to the Medical Sage’s brother to see if he could help. He told them that the poison was named Pu Gong Ying (Dandelion) because it was highly infectious and was spread by the wind, like the dandelion’s seeds. It was however a long lost poison and it was the first time he was seeing it. As such, there was nothing he could do about it but prescribe a medicine that would sustain her life for another week while they looked for a cure. He advised that the person who poisoned Cai Cai would have the antidote.

In despair and anger, Leng Ning went to find Fu Lou. Liu Feng followed because he was worried for her safety. At Chuan Qi Cave, Fu Lou was nowhere to be seen and only showed himself when Leng Ning mentioned You Si. After a short exchange of blows, Leng Ning was defeated and Fu Lou left them after saying a few cryptic words – they had never seen the viciousness of human hearts and they will have to experience and taste it before knowing what true torment was. It soon rained and Liu Feng carried Leng Ning back to Feng Ming Manor.

 It soon rained and Liu Feng carried Leng Ning back to Feng Ming Manor

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( Have you ever seen someone so happy to be ‘kidnapped’? )

Chun Hua had grown close to the other four during her time here and unable to sit back any longer, Chun Hua decides to go in search of Qiu Yue to get the antidote from him. She ties herself up in a bid to pretend that she had been kidnapped again. She then called for Qiu Yue by speaking the words they had agreed on. The ice silkworm pearl immediately glows, indicating that Qiu Yue was already there but he didn’t show himself and instead watched from a distance as struggled with the ropes, realising that she couldn’t untie herself. He soon appears and she convinces him that she wanted to return to Qian Yue Cave with him because Cai Cai’s poison was infectious and she had realised that Xiao Bai wasn’t capable of protecting her, only he was.

 He soon appears and she convinces him that she wanted to return to Qian Yue Cave with him because Cai Cai’s poison was infectious and she had realised that Xiao Bai wasn’t capable of protecting her, only he was

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CH: “Since you can use your powers to gain warmth, why are you always so cold to the touch?”

CH: “Since you can use your powers to gain warmth, why are you always so cold to the touch?”

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QY: “Because I’m only like that with Xiao Chun Hua.”

Qiu Yue brought her back to Qian Yue Cave and the next morning, she awoke with a sneeze due to the freezing cold. Qiu Yue entered her room and when she complained about the cold, he suggested bringing her back to Xiao Bai. She refused, saying that she was the happiest when she was with him. Besides, Cai Cai’s poison was contagious and she didn’t want to get poisoned too. Qiu Yue saw through her lie and in a bid to help her warm up, he put an arm around her but it caused her to feel even colder. He then used his powers to help to warm her up, much to her surprise and she asked why he was always so cool to the touch if he could use his powers in this way. He replies that he only did that with her.

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