Chapter 5:Crypto ball

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*<demon code>* by DH Castr0 💎❤️
I grab the poster and read it

S Rank Criminals
The Code Slayers wanted, dead.
Reward: 2000 Bitcoins

Joy sees me and walks up to me
"So it seems like you found out?"
Noah then snatches the poster from my hands and examines it then laughs
"You look so stupid on here josh."
Wait what?

"What do you mean?""Oh, I forgot you don't even know how you look," Noah replies

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"What do you mean?"
"Oh, I forgot you don't even know how you look," Noah replies

"Give him your mirror, "Noah says to Joy and she takes a small mirror from the bag she had on.

"here," she says handing me the mirror

I look at the drawing and then look at my reflection.

"What is going on...why am I on that poster?" I ask

Simon clears up his throat
"Let me explain...So we had an accident last year and since then we have been S rank criminals and called the code slayers."

"What accident..?"

Joy interrupts the conversation and says "guys I think it's best if we don't talk about this here"

"Your right lets go" Simon replies

We all leave the building and I ask Simon
"Now can you tell me what happened?"

"It's best if you don't know," Simon says

"Tell me!" I yell

Joy grabs my arm and says "sorry but it is best if you don't know."

"Ugh anyways let's go get him a weapon since he doesn't know how to activate his power code"Noah exclaims

"Well I would know if ya told me how" I state a bit annoyed

"We can't tell you how, we were all just born knowing" Simon replies

"Born knowing?"

"Yeah Like how we are all just digital characters living in a virtual world, we were born knowing that."

"How are we fake I still don't understand?" I ask

"We just are, Look dumbass you see that" Noah points at a game inside one of the shops

"This whole world and everyone here is fake just apart of some game created by a species known as humans that live in the real world"

So I'm just supposed to accept that I'm just a game character?

"I'm surprised you don't know this, Yes your memories were temporarily forgotten but you retained basic knowledge like how to speak and stuff."

"Your right Noah I honestly thought he would know how to activate his codes that's something everyone is just born knowing how to do," Simon says scratching his head confused

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