Black Sheep to Guns

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Slash had been playing in a little band called Black Sheep for a few months, when Raven got the call;

"I'm leaving the band. It just- isn't working well." Slash told her.

"Oh. Well, if it isn't doing it for you anymore then there's nothin' to it- find a new band." Was her response.

Raven later heard from him that Slash was looking for a new band. He had his hopes up on it this time, and was determined to find a band that worked. He auditioned for a band called 'Poison'.

"It was awful! I knew when I walked in there that I wouldn't get it. I wasn't sparkly  enough."

Slash called her often, or came over, giving her snippets of info.

"Yeah Marc, Marc Canter, you know him? Yeah I drew this for him for his birthday cause he's like- obsessed with aerosmith." It was a well drawn pen sketch of aerosmith onstage.

-"This weird guy came up to me at the music store today, and he had a copy of that drawing I did for Marc. We talked for a bit, and he came over earlier. He's a guitarist, and he had this tape- it was a really bad recording- sounded like they were playing in a jet engine!" He exclaimed as Raven held the phone to her ear. "They have this singer- could barely hear the guy, but from what I could hear, he sounded good!" He seemed sort of excited at the idea.

"What's the weird guy's name?" She asked,

"Somethin' like Izzy Stradlin."

Raven heard clippits such as this all the time, among

-"That new show, MTV, it's fuckin' screwed! The only good stuff they play is Prince and Van Halen, and that's not that often either. Too busy with Pat Benetar!" He'd scoffed,

-"Steven and the girls and I went out on the strip last night."

"Oh and how was it?" She would ask.

"Shit. As per usual."

-"Get this- this dickhead Tommy Lee invited Steven and my girlfriends down to Cherokee studios and we  had to sit outside waiting all night!" He said, incredulous.

"How's Izzy Stradlin doin', you been talking to him much?"

"What- no. Are you even listening to me, Rae?"

-"Hey, I looked for a band to join in the papers, and when I turned up it was that Izzy dude! They had this really little house up in laurel canyon, and I chatted for a while with Izzy, but Axl, that's the singer- never got off the phone! Anyways, they reckon they redecided on a second guitar player, now they don't want one!"

-"Get this- Steve gets his drumkit, loads it into his car and goes out to the park to play every day."

-"So now Steven and I have decided to make a band, and- well- we're having trouble finding a singer. And we're looking for a bassist now too. Do you know anybody, by chance?"

"No, sorry, try putting an ad in the paper."

-"We got some applications on our ad, and there's this dude called Duff, we're meeting him tonight."

Raven was watching- or rather hearing- the peices of the puzzle slowly click into place. Duff soon joined their group, but-

-"I'm breaking the band up. Steven is impossible to work with." Slash told her sharply.

Raven then got to hear all about the fuck around with Hollywood Rose and L.A. Guns for the next few months.

"Steve and I went down to Gazzari's the other night- and you should have heard it! Hollywood Rose has the best singer in Hollywood, hands down!" Slash shouted into the receiver in his excitement.

-"They're looking for guitar players!" Was the call a few days later.

"Awesome!" She smiled as she said it.

-"I got it! Raven, I am in a band and I have a singer!" Raven laughed at his excitement. Hollywood Rose had Slash, Axl and Izzy in it now, and it wasn't long before Axl and Tracii Guns started putting a band together. It ended up comprising of Izzy, Axl, Rob Gardner and Duff, and somewhere along the way Tracii Guns had split from the group. Upon missing a member, Axl showed up at Slash's work place and asked him to give song writing and a gig a go. If it went well, Slash would be the guitarist for guns n roses.

Sorry if this one was a bit boring, guys, back into the action soon! Next chapter will be a hit. Promise!- love yas! I'd love a comment, how'd you like it?

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