40 weeks, 9 months.

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Fifteen weeks passed in the blink of an eye. It had finally been the forty weeks, the nine months. The twins were due any day now.

Raven had the nursery ready to go and was basically just waiting for her waters to break. Axl's court hearing went exceptionally well. The girl changed her story three times, so nobody was gonna believe her.

Raven was hustling about the kitchen, making scones. There had been two false alarms in the last week, when she had a big practice contraction and got scared, rushing to the hospital. It was currently June, the very start of summer.

As she hurried out to the back table, she tripped over and landed on her stomach with a 'thunk'. It felt as though she had peed herself. All of a sudden her panties felt sodden and she rolled over to find her waters had broken.

"Daaaad!" She shrieked, and he came running to her.

"Baby, what's wrong?!" He exclaimed, running up to her.

"They're coming!" She said, oddly calm.

"What??!" He looked frightened, "WHAT?!" he shouted,

"How did mum even deal with you two times?!" She scowled, while the amniotic fluid continued to pour out of her non stop.

"Help me up, idiot." She snapped at him. He grabbed her hand and tugged her to her feet. Suddenly, her lower abdomen clenched, throbbed and ached,

"Ahhhh!" She groaned, holding her belly. It felt like the worst period pain of her whole life. Labour already sucked.

"Honey, are you okay?!" Her father danced from one foot to the other, panicking.

"Shutup!" She gasped, gritting her teeth.

She led the way to the door, her bag already in the car in wait of this very situation. She chucked a towel down on the driver's seat.

"Get in the car, dickhead!" She yelled at her father, still gripping at her belly.

"Aaaaah!" He screamed and dived into the passenger's side.

"Wait- I should drive- you're in labour!" He exclaimed. She gave him a look that just said 'do not go there'. He shut up.

She turned the key and put the car in reverse, and the contraction let up. The waters leaked out of her continuously. Raven began to drive quickly to the hospital, speeding a little. Upon arrival, she ran to the phone booth on the corner just outside, the towel tucked between her legs. She dialed Axl's number. He was the one with all the phone numbers and he was the one who always found out first about anything, so he would know exactly where the others were and what they were doing. If anyone knew anything it'd be Axl. He mainly got to know things first because he was prone to flying off the handle if he felt discluded. The dial tone sounded, and after three seconds Axl's voice came through the reciever. It was about two in the afternoon, by Raven's wristwatch.

"Hello?" He said

"Axl, my waters just broke." She said quickly,

"Are you sure?" He inquired, probably remembering the false alarms.

"Well either my waters broke or I peed myself uncontrollably." She told him,

"Okay, I'll be right there Rae. You do have someone there with you, yeah?"

"My dad, but he's not much help. Bring the others. Hurry." She said, talking fast.

"Alright Rae Rae, just stay calm"

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