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Watch above interview first.
Six months later...
Raven sat on her couch, her father beside her and Renan in her lap. They had been lounging around in the loungeroom when an MTV interview came on television, and they had just finished watching it. In it, Axl had mentioned that Steven had been fired, which was still a touchy subject with her. She had only met Matt Sorum once, and he seemed like a nice guy but he would never be Steven. As Axl had said in the interview, he couldn't be helped. Steven wouldn't give up his drugs, and everyone had given it their best shot. The band had moved on,
"Uncle Ax-ie was on TV!" Renan smiled, gazing up at her from her lap.
"I know!" She smiled, Renan bounced off her lap and went back playing with his toy car in the centre of the room.
"That's bad news, sweetie." Her father commented, loading strawberry flavoured tobacco into his wooden pipe. He lit it and took a puff, leaning back in his seat. The aroma was lovely thanks to that strawberry flavouring.
"Yeah well we all tried to get him clean- I mean even Slash could operate and he was badly drugged up back then. His grandma had just died!"
"Yeah- well some people are stronger then others." Seymour Cassel puffed his pipe, blowing the smoke into the air.
"You're right there." Raven nodded slowly. Today she was going to a café with Axl's wife Erin Everly. She was due at 4:00pm, and a glance at the clock said she had thirty minutes.
"Okay dad, I'm gonna get going to the café now. Erin will be expecting me." Raven knew Axl had probably been hitting Erin, and she meant to talk to her about it today.
"Alright Rae, have fun!" Her father called back.
She got Renan into the car and began the short drive there. upon arrival, she ushered her little son into the coffee joint. She made for a table near the back where Erin sat.
"Hey Erin," she sat down,
"Hey Raven!" She flashed a half smile, Erin looked tired and worn.
"Erin- I know it's a tough subject but I need you to admit something-" Raven began. Erin looked a little confused, but she listened in. "Axl's been hitting you." It was no secret back in the future, and now she had the opportunity Raven had to try and help. Erin's eyes filled with tears,
"No- Raven. I- I can't tell you anything- I dunno what you're talking about." Erin stammered, going to get up,
"No no no, sit!" Raven exclaimed.
"Raven. I can't talk about it- he'll-" she stopped in her tracks, chest heaving as she breathed, panicky.
"He'll what Erin? Hit you? I won't allow it anymore, but I can't be sure if you don't tell me." Raven looked her straight in the eyes.
"I- I-" Erin's eyes dodged around the room, then back to Raven's, then back around the room.
"I only need to hear you say one word. Yes or no? Does Axl hit you?"
"Yes." Her voice came out as a squeak,
"Good girl. Thankyou." Raven leaned back in the chair. "I'm gonna come back with you and we're going to confront Axl. He needs to know it's not acceptable." Raven spoke calmly,
"NO!" Erin said loudly, drawing stares. A single tear slipped down her face, "you can't. He'll blame me!" She whispered,
"I've taped our conversation, Erin. He'll know I figured it out and he'll know I won't stand for that shit." Raven told her. Erin looked like she was going to pass out. "I'm gonna ask you to stay in the car until I come out to get you." Raven added.
"I- you can't." Raven could tell that deep down, Erin knew it was futile. She knew it had to happen.
After coffees, they got back into the car and made for Erin and Axl's house. The drive was silent, but tense in atmosphere.
"Alright stay here." Raven instructed, then got out of the car,
"Mommy I wanna come!" Renan whined,
"Stay here, I'll come back for you. Do not follow me. Could you please watch him, Erin?" Raven took her handbag with her, which had the tape recorder in it, still recording. She stopped recording and started a new one, then she rang the doorbell. Axl and Erin lived in a large house, all painted white. Axl answered the door quickly.
"Could I come in?" She asked,
"Yeah sure." Axl swung open the door. He lead her through to the kitchen and served her a glass of cola.
"Thanks." Raven murmured, sitting at the big, clean table. Axl sat down opposite her. "I saw the MTV interview." Raven began with the niceties.
"Mm. The Steven comment irritated me."
"Yeah, it upset me too." Raven looked down at her fizzy drink, "how's Matt Sorum?"
"He's- good. Fitting in pretty well, but you were right when you told me the band would never be the same." Axl poured himself a drink of cola and took a sip.
"Axl?- I know." She looked up at him,
"Know what?" Axl seemed totally clueless and looked innocent.
"I know about Erin. You hitting her."
"What? Did that- did she tell you! I'll- I-" Axl was suddenly quite flustered,
"And there's why, Axl. You're in the wrong yet it's all your fault. You always wanted a family, you know why you don't have one? Because while you're being abusive and stressing Erin out, her body can't handle it. It is not her fault and if you ever hurt her again you will have me and the rest of the band to deal with." She had risen from her chair as she said this, with absolute conviction.
"What makes you think they'll help you?" Axl did look shocked and a little intimidated, but he was trying to stand his ground.
"You are an abusive piece of shit. Duff, Izzy and Slash sure as hell won't fucking stand for that shit." She told him. "One word Axl, one word from me and they'll be here. We'll feed what's left of you to the cops." Raven snapped. Axl had never seen this side of her, and he was slumped in his seat, gazing up at her fearfully, in realisation that Raven was right. His band mates would never allow that shit. "When you are angry, you call me. I'll be teaching you meditation techniques and you will get a real punching bag." Raven demanded,
"O- okay. I- thankyou! I feel so bad after I hit her- I dunno what comes over me!"
"Once your punching bag arrives, punch it instead of her. Whenever you get the urge to abuse, direct it at the punching bag." Raven told him. He nodded vigorously. "Good." She nodded. "Until it arrives, you call me, hit a pillow, go for a walk... anything bit hurt her." Raven said. "And take your meds. You obviously need them." Raven got up. "Thankyou for the coke." She left her almost full glass where it was and made for the door, leaving a speechless Axl in his chair at the table. She made it back to the car, got into the drivers seat and started the engine.
"Am I- going in?" Erin asked,
"Not yet, let it sink in." Raven said, then sped off in the car, heading for a nearby park so that Renan would have something to do.
"How did it go?" Erin asked shyly,
"Well, I think. If he touches you, let me know." Raven said.

Thanks for reading. Two in a night! What do you think of Axl? Do you think it'll work and he'll quit the abuse?
Please comment and vote!

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