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It took Taehyung a few days to decide he should act on what Namjoon had told him. Taehyung entered the library, searching for a certain raven haired boy. He wondered how he was supposed to befriend him if he couldn't give him his number. But if he did give him his number, he would know he's Cupid and feel very awkward.

Taehyung let out a deep sigh when he found the younger, who was once again focused on a book, not paying attention to anything else. Taehyung found his way to him and sat down, not asking for permission. The younger looked at him and slightly blushed, closing his book to give his full attention to his vis-a-vis.


This is already going terribly wrong. Maybe this was a bad time. He was probably annoying him already. Why did he chose to come anyway? Maybe he should just leave. Yes he should do that. He's just gonna-

"You know my IQ is not as high as Namjoon's but i'm not stupid." Jeongguk said, turning his attention to his book, which he had put on the table.

"Okay... Thanks for telling me?" Taehyung asked, not sure how to react to this.

"I couldn't figure out why Namjoon and you became so close out of nowhere."

Taehyung hummed. He didn't like where this conversation was going. Did he figure out who he was? He had been less careful the past month, mainly because he thought Namjoon would tell his friends at one point.

"So I asked him how he knew you, and he said you were friends. Which was kind of weird, because you never talked to each other before."

"How would you know that? You never paid attention to me before." Taehyung answered, praying his bitter tone was not so obvious.

"But I did." Jeongguk answered, finally looking up at Taehyung.

Oh. Taehyungs' cheeks took a lovely pink color, and he was now the one breaking eye contact. The blue haired was sure Jeongguk had never even realised they were in the same class before Namjoon started talking to him. He was shocked to be told otherwise.

"So I thought about it... and then it became obvious when you said you knew who his admirer is."

"I know a lot of people." Taehyung answered, wondering if it was still worth defending himself at this point.

"But you said you were friends. And you're only friends with Hoseok."

Taehyung sighed, feeling defeated. He knew. And there was nothing he could say to make him think otherwise. Or at least he couldn't think of something to say that would be believable.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Telling people wasn't part of my plan. Namjoon wasn't supposed to know, to begin with."

"But we're friends."

"Are we?"

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung for a few seconds without answering. He then looked back down at his hands while his tongue was poking his cheek. Taehyung thought he didn't want to be just friends but he wouldn't say that out loud.

"I guess not." Jeongguk finally answered, throwing his book in his bag. "You should have told me it was you... It wasn't right to lie." He then stood up and stormed out of the library, not giving Taehyung a chance to answer.

"Damn it."

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