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MONDAY 11/18

"We're not eating with you today." Taehyung said, linking his arm with Hoseok's.

"Why not?" Namjoon asked right away.

"A friend of mine wants to eat with us. We'll see you after, bye!"

Taehyung hurried his best friend i line and soon enough they both had their food. Hoseok kept bugging Taehyung to know what exactly he was doing because he knew he was his only friend in this school. Or out of school.

Taehyung looked for purple hair, and luckily for him, Jin was the only one in the cafeteria with such hair. He found him quickly, but slowed his pace when he noticed Yoongi. The latter had a black eye. This was probably the reason he arrived two hours late this morning.

Taehyung hurried to the table and sat down, smiling brightly at Seokjin, whose jaw slightly dropped. Yoongi snickered and held his hand in front of his friend's face. Seokjin took out 12.000 won and put it in his hand. Taehyung questioned the gesture and Yoongi cleared his throat.

"We made a bet. He said Jimin was Cupid. I said you were Cupid. I was right."

"Oh shut it. How can I be sure it's you?"

"Hoseok knows you are the one who texts Namjoon. But I wouldn't have told anyone else." Taehyung shrugged.

"Why did you tell him?" Seokjin asked.

"It was an accident." Taehyung said right away.

"It clearly wasn't." Hoseok answered, smiling. "You purposely told me."

"Oh shut up."

Seokjin then turned his entire attention to Taehyung, completely disregarding the two others. Taehyung did the same, hoping it would make them talk to each other.

"I have come up with a decision."


"That's not your usuall answer."

"You're telling him who you are?"


Taehyung sighed heavily looking around the cafeteria. His eyes dropped on Namjoon, who was already looking at him, just like Jimin and Jeongguk. Questioning looks were plastered on all their faces and Namjoon mouthed "what are you doing?" But Taehyung didn't answer. He turned his attention back to Seokjin.

When he heard Hoseok asking Yoongi about what happened to his eye, Taehyung smiled at Jin who was doing the same. Then the blue haired cleared his throat.

"So what is your decision?"

"I'm gonna stop sending messages."

"What?" All three answered right away. Seokjin sighed becore he spoke again. "I think he would be disappointed if he knows it's me. So I should stop this before it gets too far."

"You're so stupid." Taehyung exclaimed. "Don't you think it's a bit too late to back up? You have sent messages every day for almost two months and you're gonna stop now?"

"Well you see the thing is-"

"No shut up. Stop talking. You keep on sending him messages."

"You don't get to decide what I do."

"Okay then i'll blackmail you. If you back out of this I tell him who you are."

"You can't do that."

"Watch me." Taehyung said, taking his phone out. Jin snatched the phone out of his hand and put it in his own pocket.

"Why are you so invested in this?"

"First because it's my job to get invested in people's love story. Second because i'm your friend. Third because I know what's good for you. And what's good for you is Namjoon. And fourth because I know what is good for Namjoon and it's you."

"It's a perfect match." Hoseok nodded.

Seokjin shut up for a few seconds, before he handed Taehyung's phone back to it's owner with a sigh.

"What if he doesn't want me?"

"He does." Hoseok and Taehyung both answered right away.

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