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FRIDAY 10/18

"So now that I know for sure it's you..."

"I'm not telling you who it is."

Namjoon looked disappointed for a few seconds but regained his smile quickly. He turned to look at his friends who were still dancing, nodding.

"Fair enough. It's not your place."

Taehyung felt another vibration and wondered how many times Jin had texted during the past three minutes, because he had stopped counting after four.

Kim Seokjin :
You know him or not?
Come on I know you do you know everyone.
Are they together?
Just tell me now if he's taken already.
He just smiLED AT HIM
I want him to smile at me like that
You're ignoring me aren't you? Fake friends.

Me :
Dude chill.
His name is Kim Taehyung.
They are in the same class.
They are not together, just friends I guess.
How dare you call me a fake friend ? 😤

Kim Seokjin :
Oh thank god. Well while I'm at it might as well send him a message am I right?

Me :
You're breaking your "a message a day" policy ? 😲

Kim Seokjin :
Tell him to stop smiling at others like that, he's mine.

Me :
Ok damn, possessive much ?

Kim Seokjin :
Oh shut up.

Taehyung looked at Namjoon briefly. He was still focused on the dancers, not paying attention to him anymore.

Me :
Hello Kim Namjoon.

Cupid here to deliver love 💕
Anonymous demands you to stop smiling at others like you just did, because you're theirs.

Hoping you will have a lovely day today.
With love, your Highschool Cupid. 💕

Namjoon checked his phone and instently became red. He then looked at Taehyung who was trying not to laugh.

"That's... a little bit too much don't you think?"

"I ship you two."

"It's the same person correct?" Taehyung nodded, turning his attention back to Hoseok. "Can you ask her why she sent a second message today?"

"I suppose jealousy was the reason."

Taehyung stood up because the class was over and every students were standing up simultaneously. He then leaned back towards Namjoon.

"Oh and by the way. Don't assume. You don't know it's a "she"."

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