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MONDAY 10/21

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
Wake up
I'm in front of your house

Me :
Why ?

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
It's Monday morning??

Taehyung finished his toast quickly, put his plate in the sink and grabbed his backpack. After saying bye to Yeontan, who was the only one left in the house, he finally opened the door and smiled upon seeing his best friend.

"Oh snap! You look even better in the sunlight!"

Taehyung blushed and turned around to close the door, locking it. He turned back again and ruffled Hoseok's newly red hair, making him chuckle.

"I should totaly become a hairdresser damn."

They made their way to the school together. They used to do this every day last year, but apparently Hoseok had a lot more trouble waking up this year, given he was late almost every two days.

The silence was comfortable because Taehyung was currently sending texts messages as Cupid and Hoseok was also on his phone.

They arrived in the school and instantly both stopped texting. They made their way to their lockers, Hoseok not aware of anything while Taehyung was very aware of the number of eyes looking at them. And not just Hoseok. Both of them.

"Hellooo friend."

Taehyung turned around to see Namjoon smiling, looking at his hair instead of his eyes. Jimin went to talk to Hoseok right away while Jeongguk stayed a bit back, without anyone noticing. Taehyung brightly smiled as well while responding with a quick "hi". His stare then wandered in the hallway and fell on Seokjin who was ultimately looking at them.

Taehyung turned his attention back to Namjoon who suddenly had his fingers in Taehyung's hair. Right away, the blue haired boy felt a buzz in his pocket and figured Jin was being jealous, once again.

"You look amazing with blue hair. Suits you. Maybe I should dye my hair too? What do you think Gguk?"

Taehyung and Namjoon both turned to look at Jeongguk and that's when Taehyung realised the raven boy had been staring at him this entire time. When he was caught staring, Jeongguk quickly turned to his friend while a bright red color crept to his cheeks up to his ears and down to his neck.


Namjoon and him started talking while Taehyung took the opportunity to look at his phone.

Kim Seokjin :
WhO iS thAT??
Oh no he's hot who is this??
Oh no are they together???
He just touched hIS HAIR WTF

Me :
You are aware that if I wasn't here I would have no idea who you're talking about right?
His name is still Kim Taehyung and they are still not together.

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