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This morning, Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting in the hallway, talking about random stuff. Taehyung suddenly received a bunch of messages and looked up to see Seokjin wasn't on his phone. But Min Yoongi was.

Min Yoongi :
dude wtf
oh he's hot wtf

Me :
Why the hell would I tell you?
If you're weren't "sick" yesterday you would have known earlier.

Min Yoongi :
okay so both Jinnie and you SAW him yesterday and decided not to tell me.
damn fake friends.

Me :
Since when are we friends?
Why didn't HE tell you?

Min Yoongi :
said he didn't notice
he was probably too focused on Namjoon
his friend is very hot too do you know his name?

Me :
Kim Taehyung?

Min Yoongi :
so he's the guy Jin has been complaining about

Me :

Taehyung put his phone in his pocket and suddenly turned to Hoseok, thinking of a way to bring Yoongi in the conversation.

"You know maybe dying my hair blue was a bad idea. Now people talk about me saying "the blue kid". That's how people used to talk about Min Yoongi."

"Who's Min Yoongi?"

Taehyung looked at Hoseok like he just said the supidest thing on earth. Oh this is bad. He doesn't even know him? But Hobi knows everyone. Taehyung pointed to Yoongi on the other side of the hallway.

Hoseok turned his face towards him and they locked eyes. After a few seconds, Taehyung called Hoseok's name, because he looked deep in thoughts. Both him and Yoongi turned their head away at the same time, blushing profusely.

"Oh my god who is that?" The red hair asked right away.

"Min Yoongi."

"Is he new?"

"No... He's older than us and has always been in this Highschool."

"Oh my god he's hot. Why have I never noticed him before? I always notice the hot guys! Oh and he was looking at us. Do you know him? Has he ever used Cupid?"

Taehyung opened his mouth and closed it. He couldn't lie but if he said yes Hoseok would either know it's his admirer, or believe he sent messages to someone else. Which wouldn't be good.

"Uh... I don't know. I don't remember every one who sends messages. I purposely try not to remember."

"Oh my god. Oh my god should I send him a message?"

"Uh sure?"

Min Yoongi :
wtf he looked at me
that Taehyung kid poiNTED AT ME
the fuck.
did you do something?

Me :

Min Yoongi :
ok why were they both looking at me?

Me :
They both think you're hot.

Kim Seokjin :
What did you do to my best friend?
He's having a mental breakdown.

Me :

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