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MONDAY 10/14

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
I have an amazing idea.
today is the perfect day to plan my amazing idea.

Me :
When you use periods at the end of sentences, it means something bad is gonna happen.
Please spare me.

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
oh no you're in this with me.
do you trust me?

Me :
I absolutely don't.

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
ok rude much? 😤

Me :
What is this amazing idea of yours ?

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
you'll see when everything is ready 😏

Me :
Which means ?

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
I should have time to go grocery shopping today after school are you free on saturday?

Me :
Yes. I have the whole day.

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
perfect cause we'll need the whole day

Me :

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
are you in school already?

Me :
Yes I am in school "already". Where are you ?

Sunshine Hobi 🌞💛 :
almost there 🤗

Kim Seokjin :
Hi little baby angel bearing a bow.
Tell Namjoon he should wear glasses more often because it looks really good on him.
Have a nice day.

Me :
Hello Jin.

Are you ever gonna reveal yourself ? I think Namjoon wants to know who is the mystery person who has been sending him messages for 25 days in a row. It's almost been a month.

Kim Seokjin :
I'm shy give me a break. He's probably not even gay. I'm inlove but not stupid.

Me :
I- Inlove ? 😍💕😍😍💕😍
I shall find out his orientation for you, friend. 😁


Me :
Hello Kim Namjoon.

Cupid here to deliver love 💕
Anonymous wants to tell you you should wear glasses more often because they look good on you.

Hoping you will have a lovely day today.
With love, your Highschool Cupid. 💕

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