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sad, toxic relationship

SONG: the cut that always bleeds by conan gray


"Wait, just wait!" Daniel cries desperately, reaching out to grab Jonah's wrist. "Jo, please. Why are you doing this?"

"I don't love you anymore." Jonah stated bluntly, turning around with a heavy sigh. He stared at Daniel, devoid of any strong emotion. He seemed annoyed, if anything, and that broke Daniel's heart a little further. "Now let me go."

Daniel loosened his grip slowly, Jonah ripping his arm free of his grasp the first chance he got. Daniel blinked away the tears forming in his eyes, flinching at the sound of the door slamming ahead of him.

It was only when Daniel heard a car start and take off down the street did the tears fall, letting them slowly roll down his cheeks and past his lips.

Jonah was gone, he'd left him.

He didn't let himself cry long, sobering himself up enough to head to bed. It was late, too late for him to be dealing with this.

His words were simple. They cut straight to the point, though the wound just got bigger and deeper each time. It wasn't the first time he'd heard those words or ones alike uttered by Jonah, and he was sure they wouldn't be the last.


Daniel frowned as he approached his door, hearing the incessant knocking from his bedroom. It was already eleven at night, Daniel beginning to feel worried about whoever might be beyond the door.

"What are you doing here?" Daniel sighed, crossing his arms over his chest uncomfortably.

"I was wrong to leave." Jonah said quietly, eyes staring sadly at Daniel. "I miss you, Dani. Please..."

Jonah reached out to hold onto Daniel, Daniel stepping back with a shake of his head. The situation reminded him too much of the last time Jonah had been here, except reversed.

Before when Daniel needed Jonah, he walked out on him without a care in the world. He didn't look back as he broke Daniel all over again.

This time, Jonah needed Daniel.

Daniel wanted to do what was right for himself. He wanted to shut the door in Jonah's face and never worry about having his heart broken again.

"I.." Daniel hesitated, a conflicted look on his face as he stared up at Jonah.

Jonah's eyes filled with tears, bottom lip quivering as he took his hand back.

"I-I understand if you don't wanna forgive me." Jonah said, "No one will ever be as good to me as you, Dani. I regret any time I thought different."

Daniel stared up at Jonah, whose eyes brimmed with tears and face held a certain sorrow that tugged at Daniel's heartstrings. He couldn't find it in him to simply shut Jonah out, especially not when he was showing up at Daniel's in this state. Jonah seemed truly upset, vulnerable. It was a show Daniel never thought he'd see.

Jonah was never good with emotions unless he was overly happy or especially angry. Towards the part of their relationship where Daniel got to know the true colors of Jonah's emotional range, anger was one he saw more often than not.

He'd be walking on eggshells for days, feeling tense and like he couldn't breathe just by being in the same area as Jonah. Then, Jonah was okay. He'd talk and laugh and take Daniel out on dates. Their life would go back to a 'normal' that Daniel wished he didn't need, yet depended on to feel grounded.

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