SPIRIT BOX - janiel

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more of a janiel friendship + a hint of jachary. you'll see :')

SONG: disenchanted by my chemical romance


Daniel stared in wonder at the small box sitting atop his shelf. If he didn't know any better, he would be a little freaked out why the way it would shift and shake in place without a touch.

It was just a normal cube, a hazy white coloring. Daniel couldn't even remember where he'd gotten the small decoration, just that he'd placed it down one day and not touched it since.

But now, it made him wonder where he had gotten it.

Daniel didn't know much about the topic of the spirits said to live within the most random places of their world. Most didn't even believe, choosing to ignore or simply not notice the way items might move and dance in their place.

Daniel very much believed in most things considered supernatural or unusual. With spirits, he just preferred to leave that work to the experts.

He didn't have much knowledge on them, enough to find it intriguing. It wasn't until the small cube went from moving an inch here and there to completely being knocked off his shelf again and again did Daniel think he might need to brush up on the topic.

Sitting down at his computer, Daniel wasn't sure where to start exactly. Shrugging, he typed in one small word that held a lot of information in their world, 'spirits'.

The first thing to come up was a picture of a boy around his age next to an older man. There's a description next to it, Daniel clicking on the website to read about it.

Last Thursday, world renowned spirit expert, John Avery, dies unexpectedly in a 'mishap' on the job.

His son, Jack Avery, told reporters last night that he and his father had been working a case when something 'went completely wrong'.

It hasn't been discovered just yet what exactly happened, but the Avery's have requested some privacy during this tragic time after the loss of John Avery.

Daniel's eyebrows shot up at the revelation, seeing the article dated back nearly a month ago. Reading more about the subject of the Avery family, he found they hadn't been heard from or worked a case since their loss.

The fact that what went wrong was being kept a secret made Daniel uneasy. What could go so wrong on the job? From Daniel's minimal knowledge, he knew that the spirits had to be freed, but how? When? Did it matter?

He had too many questions and not finding any answers. The only thing he could find was another article on the Avery family or a tutorial on how to free them, which Daniel couldn't do anyways without the proper tools.

Just as he felt like calling it a night and clearing his tabs, an audible thump sounded from his room.

Daniel got up and made his way to his room, pushing the door open with just take tips of his fingers as he peered inside.

Laying on the ground next to his shelf was cube that was the center of his problems right now. The eeriness of the situation and the silence in his empty apartment made Daniel freeze in his spot.

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