Chapter 1

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Selfish or Lost in eachother

Parker Kimber Gray

"Get up or I'm going to pull you out of bed myself!" I poked my head up from under the blankets. She threw a pillow at me in aggravation right before grabbing a hold of my legs and yanking on them. "Mom Josie threw a pillow at me!" I yelled at Josie's mom. I jumped up and sacked her onto the floor where we laid there and laughing. Then there was a knock on the door of the bedroom. "Josaphine Collins Carter stop being mean to Parker and Parker Kimber Gray your breakfast is getting cold." Mrs C tried to sternly say with out cracking up. I got up and walked to the door and down the old wood stairs that moaned and creaked as I sluggishly fast walked down them.
I sat at the bar and pulled my feet up off of the cold tile floor. I was halfway through my second waffle when a knock on the door came. When I heard the knock I knew exactly who it was and I knew I wasn't going to answer it. You maybe wondering how I could know who the person was based on their knock, well that is because this person knocks a special beat. 5 knocks in the beat to the school song(1 2 -4 -1 2)Ya who knocks like that it's weird.

"Josie lover boy is here!" I yelled so not only she could hear me but he could too. "I can hear you Parker and that's offensive" the boy shouted through the door. I snarled and stuck out my tongue. "How mature Pk, I know you and that you stuck out your tongue" he said slyly. "Oh shut your mouth Owen" I said mocking him. Josie came down the stairs and opened the door and gave Owen a kiss. "Get a room you two I'm trying to eat!" I say as I rolled my eyes.

"Someday there will be a guy waiting at the door for you Pk" Josephine said with a smile. "That my dear best friend will be the day that I don't strike out 6 people a game." I say jokingly.

Last Chance for Parker GreyWhere stories live. Discover now