Chapter 7

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Part of the Squad

Nathen Charles West

She asked if she could fall asleep on the way there, I agreed but now I don't. I wish I would have said that it wasn't that far. That would be lying though I mean I could have given her a seat to her self but then where would I sit, on the floor. Maybe I could have Leo or Griffin switch with me and said that they could have the corner bunk.

She fell asleep against the window and stayed there for a while. She slowly started to put her head on my shoulder which I didn't mind. I made sure she was actually asleep and not faking so she could be so close to me. 20 minutes away from camp and the boys and I where talking about sports and then it happened. She landed in my lap. Her head laid peacefully on my lap after a quick thud.
I felt my face get hot and my heart to beat fast. Leo kept winking and whistling. This wasn't good, I asked him to quite down.

"Oh, sorry I didn't think I'd would wake up your girlfriend!" Leo emphasized the 'girlfriend' part.

"One, Leo you don't think and two she's not my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend and it's not Parker!" I screamed whispered.

A girl walked down the isle to our seats.
"Hey boys" she said like she fangirling.
She looked at me "Hey babe,..ummm who's that" she pointed to Parker. Her head still laid in my lap.

"She's... ummm... she's... er.. a...friend" I said nervously. "Ya a friend"I mumbled under my breath.

"Are you cheating on me with this foolish poor excuse for a girl! She doesn't event have her nails painted and look at her hair it's a mess!"
She spat.

"Sabrina, it's not like that she's..." I tried to say something.

"She's my girlfriend and I like her hair that way and I like that she doesn't make her nail look like Pepto-Bismol!" Luke exclaimed clearly annoyed by the way Sabrina was talking about Pk like that.

"Uh," she whimpered and looked at me "are you just going to let him treat me like that!" She cried. She turned and strode down the isle then looked back to see if we are still looking at her.

She stood at the front and cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Oh no please no" I say to myself. I looked down at Pk. She looked so peaceful and calm. I moved a piece of hair from her face.

"I wanted to let you all know that Nathen West is a scumbag and likes to cheat and mean and has AIDS!"

I smacked my forehead and mentally kicked my self over and over.

"And that girl Parker she's new and she will steal boyfriends like they are the new mini skirt style! Luke clams she is his girlfriend but if that's true than why is HER HEAD IN MY BOYFRIEND' S LAP!" She screamed.

"Well she can have him... Nathen West I'm officially dumbing you!" She said smirking and then smoothing her skirt.

" hallelujah!" I yelled

"Umh this is exposed to be like that your exposed to try to tell me that it was a mistake and she's nothing to you!" She yelled as she pouted. She slowly sat back down.

So that's what happened and I'm glad Pk slept through it.

Authors note
Are you surprised bc just writing that got my shookth! 😆

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