Chapter 10

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Cabins Friends or foes

Parker Kimber Gray

He stood there blushing. "Well since we are "dating" I guess we should act like it" he said making quotations around dating. "Ya" I said taking his hand. It fit in my well but didn't feel right.

"Hello starshine says the earth!" A overly exited lady said standing on a wooden stage. She had crazy blue hair that matched her bright eyeshadow and sparkly lip gloss.
"I'm Mrs Young the owner and head counselor!" She said with a smile.

"Well she may have fell off the crazy train" I sighed under my breath. Nathen leaned towards me and whispered "that's my Nana".
"Oh my, I didn't... I meant..." I tried to explain my self. He put a hand up and nodes telling me it was ok.

I saw Sabrina in the corner staring at Nathen with lust. She looked at me snarling. I still had ahold of Luke's hand, he gave me a reassuring squeeze. I smiled, Luke was kind and brave. I still want to get to know him and to spend time with him but not labeled as girlfriend and boyfriend but has friends. Man I wonder what Josie would think about this.

We soon got a signed to cabins with names.
"Sabrina Calaway, Nova Spencer, Kya Mark, Roxie Heart, Quinn Spencer.... and....Parker Grey." She paused "Cabin 32, Doves"
"Nathen West, Jorden Deen, Griffin Booker, Luke Hayven, Sean Blake, and of course Leo Booker, Cabin 33, Wolverines"

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