Chapter 8

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Meeting Sabrina

Parker Kimber Gray

I lifted my head and looked around stunned. I felt a blush coming to my face. I looked at Nathen and he had red on his cheeks.

"I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean too" I pleaded
"It's fine Pk no sweat" he said coolly But from they eat the others looked at me it wasn't.

I gathered my thoughts and followed Nathen off the bus. I saw a girl standing in her seat trying to grab a bag from the shelf above. I went and helped her grab it.
"Here you go" I said handing the small bag to her "I'm Par-" she cut me off.
"I know exactly who you are you brat!" She spat.
I tried to brush it off but then she put her Gucci flats in front of my leg making me hit the ground with a thud.

"Ok I don't know who you are but your messing with the wrong person! I don't care what your name is or how much that outfit of your cost, I would be careful with who you trip!" I said hastily.

She stood there gawking. I kept I contact show that I wasn't going to back down. I felt a hand grab mine and pull me away. I looked over and Leo hand my hand and was pulling me off the bus.

"What was that!" He exclaimed as he were walking into what I guess is the great hall.
"I'm sorry she just-" I tried to explain but then he stopped me and "that was amazing!" He said with a huge grin.

Nathen thanked me for yelling at her I was confused why. He told me the whole story.
"Wow" I said still thinking about it and then turned to Luke. He smiled and blushed, he ran his fingers through his gold hair.

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