[Chapter 42] Table Turner

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Forty minutes after the plane took off, and the girls inside are a whole lot of mess. It was mostly Jihyo who was handling a lot, though.

As the leader, it's her duty to make sure that things wouldn't get messy, but it was really hard keeping the eight girls in line when three of them are toddlers and they were inside a plane where they could do and have whatever they want.

Almost half of an hour of Jihyo's time was spent barking orders at the other girls.

"Nayeon-unnie, stop slapping Jeongyeon-unnie's arm and keep your laughs quiet!"

"Jeongyeon-unnie, please, there are literally tens of people in this plane to clean the girls' mess, don't get that mad at them."

"Momo-un-Momo-yah! Stop stealing Chaeyoung and Mina's strawberries, you had lots of jokbal already, aren't you full enough?"

"Sana-oh my god Sana please stop squishing Dahyun's cheeks, she looks like a dumpling already."

"Mina, I... well, I'll just let you rest there, okay? Call me when you need me."

"Chewy, oh, Chewy please stop trying to open Nayeon and Sana's phone, you'll just lock them up and see many horrible things that aren't for you."

"What the-DAHYUN AND CHAEYOUNG, STOP TRYING TO OPEN THE DOOR AND THE WINDOW! Do you girls want to fall off the plane?"

Dahyun and Chaeyoung immediately sat up behavely. "No, unnie."

"Then don't be so naughty and just behave."

"Yes, unnie."

Mina, who was beside Jihyo, chuckled and glanced at her but said nothing.

"Unnie." Tzuyu called softly, five minutes after Jihyo's hectic orders to the other members.

"Yes, Tzu?"

"We're going to Busan, right?"

Jihyo was about to answer 'Yes' when a female attendant rushed past them and briefly glanced at Tzuyu before answering shortly, "No."

Jihyo and Tzuyu knitted their brows. "W-what do you mean?" Jihyo asked.

The female attendant, whose name was Jiwoo, according to her nameplate, bowed lightly before answering politely, "We just received the news that there was an emergency landing at the port and unfortunately, that plane, um, kinda crashed."

Mina gasped. "What? A plane crashed?!"

Jiwoo nodded grimly. "Well, yes, but-"

"Did somebody die?"

"According to the headquarters they are still retrieving the passengers, and there are more or less two hundred people inside."

Tzuyu's jaw dropped. "Then if somebody died in there then we would see ghosts?"

Jihyo didn't know what to say. She just stared at Jiwoo. "So what are we going to do now?"

"According to the head pilot we would still be landing in Busan-"


"-but of course, there are loads of people in there and we are ordered to keep you misses as private as possible."

"Yes, we would like that." Mina agreed.

"We're still waiting for Jinyoung-nim's permission to fly you off to Jeju Island instead." Jiwoo said shortly, leaving the girls surprised.

"S-seriously?" Nayeon looked over her shoulder and joined the group. "Th-thats' great...? I guess?"

Jihyo tried to wrap her mind around Jeju. "We're going to Jeju instead..."

Our Little Baby MaknaesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora