[Chapter 50] The Story Ends... Or Not

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Tzuyu woke from her sleep, her head throbbing and her vision still fuzzy. She just had the weirdest dream about her, Chaeyoung, and Dahyun becoming toddlers and their unnies taking care of them, even fighting a girl for them.

It felt soooo real, for some reason.


She sat up and saw that Chaeyoung and Dahyun were also awake already, also sitting on their beds and saying nothing.

"Hey, morning." Dahyun started, rubbing her eyes. "I just had a weird dream about us becoming little kids and stuff. It felt so real."

Tzuyu almost choked on her own as she heard Dahyun's words.

"Wait, really?" Chaeyoung asked, getting up on her bed and looking surprised. "No way, me too!! I dreamt of us three becoming kids and even going to Jeju."

Tzuyu's hands flew above her mouth in suprise. "U-unnies..."


"Kinda weird but.. I had the same dream too." She finished.

"Oh my gosh." Chaeyoung said.

"And it felt so real right?" Dahyun added, asking Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. "Right? Righttt??"

Tzuyu nodded her response. "No, because.. What if we weren't dreaming?"

"I was thinking the same thing too!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, sitting on Tzuyu's bed in excitement.

"But that can't happen, I mean adults turning to kids? It's impossible to happen, right?" Dahyun looked at them back and forth, noticing the expressions on the two's faces. "... Right?"

Chaeyoung stood up again and put her slippers on. "You know what, let's check. Let's ask our unnies about it." She went out the room in a hurry, Dahyun tailing behind her.

Tzuyu was left alone in the room with her thoughts. The dream felt so, so real. It feels like everything really happened, and she could weirdly remember every detail about that dream, unlike her other dreams which she forget after a fast moment.

She was about to stand up herself until she heard a shriek from downstairs, a shriek that sounded like Chaeyoung's.

It was followed by a scream, a scream which came from Dahyun.

"Tzu-Tzuyu-yah!!" Dahyun shouted, stuttering. "C-come here, already, quick!"

Tzuyu rushed out of the room and downstairs. "What, what? What is the matt--"

She stopped, seeing the scenario on the living room.

"S-sana unnie?" Dahyun called. "Sana-unnie, where are you? Where are yall?"

"And... who are these kids in our living room?" Chaeyoung added.

Tzuyu gaped at the scene infront of her. Their living room, usually neat and organized every morning, was a mess. The sofa was scribbled with colored doodles, the floor filled with crayons and toys, the TV playing Frozen 2.

And 6 little girls, who oddly reassemble their missing unnies, on the floor and on the sofa, some sleeping, some drawing on the sofa, some just watching the TV.

The three maknaes all looked at each other, sharing the same thought in mind.

"Oh no."


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