[Chapter 8] Pancakes And Waffles

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The next day, Jeongyeon woke up, and the first thing that she saw was Nayeon's head on her lap, still in dreamland. The tiredness yesterday made all of them sleep in the living room. Jeongyeon fought the urge to smile.

She gently lifted Nayeon's head from her lap, grabbed a pillow, and rested Nayeon's head on the pillow, and stood up.

Jeongyeon looked around and saw that she was the only one who is awake yet. Momo's head was rested on Sana's shoulder, and Sana's head was on top of Momo's head. Dahyun was in between Sana and Momo, snoring away. Jihyo was lying sideways on the other end of the sofa, her arm hugging Tzuyu on her side. Mina was sleeping quite peacefully on the floor, Chaeyoung besude her. Jeongyeon smiled at the scene she was seeing.

She turned away from the living room and was about to make breakfast when Jeongyeon noticed the mess they did last night.

I thought Jihyo cleaned these already? She turned around and glanced at the sleeping Jihyo. Seems like she's so tired with yesterday's playing. I'll do it instead. She understands how hard it is to be a leader of a big group and of course, after the maknaes turned into little kids, her responsibilities seems to be multiplied.

Jeongyeon started picking up trash and the maknaes' toys. She sweeped and washed and mopped. Soon, not only the room, but the whole dorm was squeaky clean.

Jeongyeon was arranging the kids' mini cars when Nayeon stirred and woke up.

"G'morning, Jeong." She mumbled, her eyes still half closed. "Why you up so early?"

Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows at Nayeon.

Nayeon stood up and started walking to the kitchen when her waist hit the table. She shrieked.

Jeongyeon immediately got up and helped her.

Nayeon was rubbing the part of her waist where she hit the table. "Ouch. It hurts. I bet I would have a bruise in there."

"Put some ice on it." Jeongyeon grabbed the ice pack from the freezer and handed it to Nayeon. "But that seems to wake you up, huh."

Nayeon stared at the ice pack for a while. "Um, thanks." She accepted the ice pack. "Want me to help you make breakfast?"

Jeongyeon smiled. "If that's okay."


The others woke up just in time for breakfast.

"Hmmm." Momo said, walking to the table full of food. "Let me eat my babies now!"

"Yah!" Jeongyeon slapped Momo's hand away from the food. "Learn how to wait, Momoring."

Momo pouted.

"What's for breakfast?" Sana came in, Dahyun trailing behind her.

"Waffles," Nayeon answered. "Jeong was about to make pancakes but I suggested the kids would like waffles better."

"Pancakes or waffles?" Sana asked Dahyun.

"Waffles." Dahyun answered immediately.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Nayeon slapped Jeongyeon's arm playfully.

"Yeet." Sana eyed the two suspiciously. What's going on with these two? She thought.

Just then, the others barged into the dining room and sat down at their designated seats on the table. Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu have been bought high chairs because they're still too small.

They started eating, the kids were fed by the unnies beside them. Momo's plate was overflowing with waffles, and she was eating like she hadn't eaten for ages.

"Hmm." Nayeon said. "What do you children prefer? Waffles, or pancakes? Dahyun already chose waffles."

"I like waffles more." Chaeyoung added sprinkles on the top of her waffle.

"How 'bout you, Chewy?" Jeongyeon asked. "Can you give me a favor and like pancakes more than waffles?"

Tzuyu thought for a moment, her eyes seem to study the waffles she was being fed. Finally, she answered. "I hate pancakes."

"Ha!" Nayeon celebrated. "Told 'ya!" She laughed at Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon pouted and eyed Tzuyu. "You're savage since birth, Tzuyu-ah."

Jihyo smirked. "At least she's cute."

"I don't care." Jeongyeon crossed her arms and pushed her plate away from her. "I'm done."

"The heck, Jeong!" Nayeon raised her eyebrows at Jeongyeon. "You're mad at me just for food? Gosh."

Momo shook her head. "If you won't eat what's left on your plate, I'll eat it."

"You're still hungry after all those waffles you already had?" Mina asked Momo.

Momo nodded.

"I wonder how you got abs." Mina stared at Momo.

Nayeon, meanwhile, was still frowning at Jeongyeon. "I don't know, Jeongyeon, but I think you're always mad at me. Did I do something bad?"

Jeongyeon stared at her plate. "No..."

"Then why are you always irritated when I'm here?" Nayeon raised one eyebrow. "Or do you want me to feed you myself so you would continue eating, huh?"

Jeongyeon widened her eyes at Nayeon and blushed. "W-what?"

"Aaah!" Sana squealed. "Jeongie's blushing and stuttering! What could this mean?"

"Shut your mouth, Sana." Jeongyeon snapped.

"And she's getting mad at me for teasing her!" Sana gleefully announced. "This could only mean one thing!"

Dahyun nodded vigorously. "Yes! Jeong-unnie likes Nayeon-unnie!" Then she laughed histerically.

Jeongyeon looked shocked. Nayeon was staring at Jeongyeon with her arms crossed.

"So that's what your mad-at-me-always mood tells, huh?" She grinned. "Don't worry, Jeong, I know you liked me from the start."

"What?!" Jeongyeon stuttered. "I don't like you that way!"

"Then what way, then?" Jihyo asked.


"She's stuttering!" Sana clapped. "You can't hide your feelings anymore, Ostrich."

"Yep." Mina agreed. "Even the children agrees that you like Nayeon."

The maknaes nodded and made finger hearts.

"FINE!" Jeongyeon stood up. "I like you, Nabongs, I like you." Then she stormed to her room, leaving the other members dumbfounded.

"Ooooh." Momo smirked.

They all looked at Nayeon at the same time.

"So..." Jihyo said. "What do you say?"

Nayeon shrugged. "Dunno. All I know is that I like her too." Then she smiled from ear to ear.

Sana squealed again. "My gosh! 2yeon for the win!"

"2yeon! 2yeon! 2yeon!" The kids chanted.

Nayeon grinned. She was thankful for their pancake-waffle argument. Their fight actually made Jeongyeon confess her feelings for her, and it made Nayeon really happy.

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