[Chapter 28] Jelly with a Little Bit of Sugar

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Sunlight shone through the windows, waking little Chaeyoung up. She squirmed on her bed, opened her eyes, and saw the sleeping face of her Mina-unnie.

"Yeppeuda~" Chaeyoung whispered to herself, brushing the strands of hair on Mina's face off.

The Little Cub sat up and looked around. Unfortunately, the three maknaes were too tired to eat dinner nor take a bath so the unnies let them sleep already in their room, but then they started crying so the unnies had no choice but to let them sleep with them.

The biggest room is now occupied by the three maknaes, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, and Momo; Nayeon and Jeongyeon slept at Jeongyeon and (supposedly) Momo's room.

Just then, faint crying was heard on the other bed and Chaeyoung sat up to look and saw Tzuyu who looks like she just woke from a bad dream. In instinct, Jihyo immediately woke up and calmed Tzuyu down.

At the other bed, Sana was still peacefully sleeping with Dahyun on top of her head, who was already awake. The bed beside them was empty though.

"Good morning, Jihyo-unnie," Chaeyoung approached Jihyo who was fixing their bed with Tzuyu on her arm.

"Oh, Chaeyoung-ah!" Jihyo smiled in greeting and patted Chaeyoung on her head, "Good morning, sweetie."

Tzuyu's head suddenly snapped up at Jihyo's last statement, "Jihyo-unnie, I'm awake too!" She attacked Jihyo with kisses.

Jihyo was indeed surprised at Tzuyu's actions, "Good morning, Chewy, did you have a bad dream?"

Tzuyu pretended to think, "Hmmm, yeah, but now that I woke up with you I'm okay!" She winked at Jihyo.

Jihyo has her eyebrows raised at the maknaes. "What's up with her?" She thought. "Go with Chaeyoung now, Tzu, I have to fix our bed and clean." She put Tzuyu down who kissed her one more time.

Chaeyoung crossed her arms together, "I never knew jelly can be that chewy," She smirked before Tzuyu walked to her.

They walked to the other bed. "Dahyunie, let's go down!" Tzuyu invited.

Dahyun sat up immediately and grinned before standing up and walking with the other maknaes.

"What just happened a while ago with Tzuyu?" The pale girl whispered to Chaeyoung who was beside her.

Chaeyoung giggled and shrugged, "Tzuyu's jelly-jelly, I think."

"Why though?"

"Because Jihyo-unnie called me sweetie?"

Dahyun shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Jelly Chewy."

They went down the stairs and cold breeze made them shiver.

"Oh my gosh, it's snowing!" Tzuyu ran to the sofa and stood to see the snow falling through the window.

"It is snowing!" Dahyun and Chaeyoung excitedly confirmed.

"Woah!" Tzuyu pressed her hands on the glass, "Never saw snow before,"

"Me too," Dahyun said, "But I think we already did, we just don't remember."

"Maybe we can ask Jihyo-unnie if we can play on the snow?" The maknaes agreed on that and high-fived.

"Oh! Didn't see you there!"

A voice made them turn around.


The three ran to Momo's arms.

"Good morning, precious children," Momo smiled at them, "Did you sleep well?"

Dahyun and Chaeyoung nodded while Tzuyu shook her head. "I had a bad dream, unnie, but I'm fine now."

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