[Chapter 2] Unexplainable Explanation

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"So..." Momo looked at her fellow members.

All of them are sitted at the floor of the living room making a circle, Chaeyoung in between Mina and Momo, Dahyun on the middle if the circle, Tzuyu on Jihyo's lap.

"How are we going to explain this to PD-nim?"

All eyes turned to Jihyo, probably since she is their leader and she is the one who decides.

Jihyo sighed. "Gosh, I hate being the leader sometimes. Uhh...do we really have to say it to him? I mean, we could just keep it to ourselves."

Mina nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too. I don't want the public to know about our maknaes turning into toddlers."

Jeongyeon eyed Dahyun, who was currently rolling around the floor and showing funny faces to everyone. "All I know is that Dahyun is the Queen of Extra from birth. And I don't know if that's good or bad, considering they all be alot to handle."

"Oh god." Jihyo shook her head. "I forgot that we also have to babysit them."

"Let's figure the babysitting thing later." Nayeon said. "The first problem is how on earth did this happen?"

"Dunno." Mina shrugged. "I just woke up and decided to check on them---"

"Why did you check on them, hm, Minari?" Sana wiggled her eybrows.

"W-what?" Mina's cheeks began to redden.

"C'mon, Mina, I know you liked Chaeyoung from the start."

"I d-don't know what you're talking about, Sana."

"Don't mind Sana, Mina." Jeongyeon interrupted. "Now, you were saying?"

"Oh, uh," Mina looked away from Sana quickly, "and then all I saw on their beds were little bumps covered in blankets. I thought they went to the bathroom or something when I heard a little wail. That's when I screamed since I didn't know what to do."

"O-okay." Momo mumbled.

"Maybe..." Jeongyeon looked at the others for help. "uh, we could turn them back to normal, right?"

"And how are we going to do that?" Nayeon asked. "I don't know, but I think this is magic, even if I don't think magic is real."

"So..." Sana raised her eyebrows. "We're going to keep this to ourselves?"

"I think so." Nayeon answered. "Right, Jihyo?"

Jihyo, who has gone quiet for the moment, blinked a few times before answering. "Uh, y-yes."

"What's on your mind, Jihyo?" Sana asked.

"Just thinking of how we're going to cope with this problem. If we can't turn them back to normal..." Jihyo bit her lip and frowned, "...TWICE would have to disband."

Uncomfortable silence took over the room.

"Don't worry, Jihyo-yah," Nayeon said reassuringly, breaking the silence. "of course we won't let that happen. We have and we will find the solution to turn them back to their normal selves."

Jihyo looked unconvinced, but she smiled. "Of course, Nayeon-unnie."

Tzuyu stood up from Jihyo's lap, flung her little arms around Jihyo's neck, and smiled, showing her cute dimples on the sides of her cheeks.

Jihyo giggled at the maknae's cuteness. "What we would have to do right now is  buy them some clothes. They look really uncomfortable, especially Chaeyoung." She pointed her chin at Chaeyoung who was fumbling with the hem of her oversized shirt.

"I think some of us should stay here to babysit them." Mina said. "I'll stay."

"Of course you would." Sana smirked. "It's Chaeyoung you want to hang out with."

Mina glared at her.

"But, yeah, I'll stay too." Sana stood up and put hyper Dahyun on her lap.

"And I will too." Jihyo volunteered. Tzuyu cheered.

"It's decided, then." Nayeon shrugged. "Let's go, guys, before they get really uncom---"

She was interrupted by knocks on the door.

"Nayeon-ah! We need help!"

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