[Chapter 23] Nayeon's Boo-Boo

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"What are your orders, misses---" The cashier woman choked. "TWICE's Nayeon and Jeongyeon?!" She squealed, loud enough for everybody to look at them.

The other people who were just peacefully enjoying the quietness of the cafe turned to them and created a commotion around the two TWICE members.

"Can I take a picture with you?"

"Oh my gosh! It's really them!"

"Can you sign my hat? Please, please, please, please!"

"Sign my shirt with your lipstick!"

The people gathered around Nayeon and Jeongyeon and they had no choice but to smile as people took numerous pictures with them. They were being so loud that even people from the outside started going in the cafe just for pictures.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon, just to please the people, patiently smiled at the camera and signed shirts and hats and even their coffee mugs, until one man shoved his way into the center and harshly pulled Nayeon by the arm, hurting the girl in the process. However, Jeongyeon didn't notice this because she was occupied with pictures.

"Jeongyeon-ah!" Nayeon cried as she try to loosen the grip of the man on her arm.

Jeongyeon immediately noticed and pulled Nayeon back from the man, which she did quite succesfully. She grabbed the man by the collar and was about to punch him when two security guards of the cafe went in between them and stopped Jeongyeon from hurting the man. She released the man but still pushed him towards the guards.

More guards started swarming around the two members, protecting them from the people. The guards forced the people out of the cafe.

Jeongyeon leaned closer to Nayeon and whispered, "Let's get out of here." They quietly thanked the guards and went out the cafe.

While walking, Jeongyeon embraced Nayeon lightly, not wanting her hurt arm. She gently unfolded Nayeon's arm and examined the red marks.

"Does it hurt when I press it?" Jeongyeon asked, pressing the marks on Nayeon's arm gently.

Nayeon flinched when Jeongyeon pressed harder. "A little." She asked, "Would I have a bruise?"

Jeongyeon shook her head. "No, that would probably go away later."

Nayeon nodded. "Where do you wanna go now?"

"Seriously, you still wanted to go somewhere when you're hurt?"

"What?" Nayeon frowned. "You said it would go away anyways."

"Still, it hurts." Jeongyeon said. "We have to go back or visit a clinic."

Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon, confuse on her face. "A clinic? Why would you need a clinic?"

"Because it hurts."

"So? It doesn't even hurt anymore."

"Really?" Jeongyeon pressed her index finger hard on the red marks and Nayeon grimaced from pain.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" Nayeon retrieved her arm from Jeongyeon's hand and punched the girl on the shoulder. "What was that for?!"

"Well, you said it doesn't hurt anymore." Jeongyeon sarcastically added, "Looks like it does hurt, huh?"

"It wasn't hurting until you pressed it hard!" Nayeon rubbed her arm slowly. "Ouch."

Jeongyeon pouted. "Awww." She tilted Nayeon's head to her and squished her cheeks. "Looks like the baby has a boo-boo."

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