[Chapter 7] Sleep

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Finally, the day ended, and it's time for the kids to sleep, and for the older girls to rest.

Unfortunately, getting the maknaes to sleep is as hard as bathing them.

"Dahyun-ah!" Sana called. "Come on, let's sleep now! Stop running around!"

Dahyun, however, did not listen to her Sana-unnie and ran faster around the living room, attempting to chase Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.

"Chaeyoungie, let's go!" Mina tried to grab the hem of Chaeyoung's pajama but failed. "Gosh, aren't they tired after all those playing earlier?"

"They never get tired, Mina." Jeongyeon shook her head as she and Nayeon arrange the kids' clothes.

Momo looked up from her phone. "I hope when we wake up tomorrow," she looked at the others with a frown, "would they turn back to their normal selves?"

Jihyo pursed her lips. "I don't know, honestly," She looked doubtfuly at them. "of course, I hope they would be back, but... how?"

Uncomfortable silence took over the TWICE members.

Tzuyu yawned, breaking the silence. The others thought she would fall asleep on the spot, but she continued running.

"Tzuyu-yah, let's rest." Jihyo said. "You're tired already."

"Chewy's not tired yet, Jihyo-unnie." Tzuyu smiled.

"Nah-uh, Tzuyu, we're going to sleep now..." Jihyo got up and tried to pick Tzuyu up.

"No! I don't wanna sleep yet! No!" Tzuyu wailed. She tried to loosen Jihyo's grip by squirming.

"Tzu-Tzuyu, you're tired already, we're going to sleep now---"

"No!" Tzuyu screamed, tears beginning to fall on her cheeks.

Jihyo immediately pulled the little girl into a hug. "Oh no, I'm sorry, Tzuyu-yah, Jihyo-unnie's sorry..."

Tzuyu sobbed through Jihyo's shoulders. "Chewy doesn't want to sleep yet, Jihyo-unnie..."

Jihyo nodded and pulled away. "Okay, but your running is enough." She looked at the other maknaes. "All of you should stop playing."

Dahyun and Chaeyoung stopped running.

"Can we watch a movie?" Chaeyoung suggested.

"That's a good idea!" Jeongyeon said.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Mina asked.

"I want to watch Mr. Peabody And Sherman."

Mina went to play the movie on the tv.


They were halfway through the movie, and it was only Dahyun who was watching. Everyone else were already sleeping.

"All of them are already sleeping." Dahyun observed. "And I should not wake them up. If I do I am a bad Dubu." She continued on watching.

10 minutes after Jihyo woke up. She first saw Dahyun sitting on the floor still watching.

"Dahyun-ah, let's go to sleep---" she was cut short as she noticed Tzuyu sleeping on her lap.

Jihyo gently carried Tzuyu and went to Dahyun. "Let's go to sleep, Dahyun, can we?"

Dahyun yawned. "Yes, unnie." She looked at the others. "Shall I wake them up?"

Jihyo glanced at the others. Nayeon's head was on Jeongyeon's lap; Chaeyoung was lying on the sofa, one arm hugging Mina, and Mina was holding Chaeyoung's hand; Momo and Sana were sitting at the sofa; all of them are already peaceful.

Jihyo shook her head. "Let's just sleep here too, would you like that?"

Dahyun smiled, and yawned again. She straddled over to where Sana is and slept with her arm clinging to Sana's.

Jihyo smiled at the scene. She glanced at Tzuyu on her arms, and lied down at the sofa too.

She doesn't have to worry about the maknaes anymore because they bonded already.

All was well.

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