Chapter 32 It's Time

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Raiza paused her narration and turned to face Gyaan. "I know this is a lot for you to digest" she exclaimed, "But you need to know my past" she concluded.

Gyaan nodded without any reaction or expression. "I'm listening, please continue" He declared.

They had left the party long back, and he had driven her back to her apartment as her story continued. They had been sitting in the parking for the last 30 minutes.

Raiza Sighed "After returning from his office, I locked myself in the spare bedroom that used to be my bedroom before the pretend reconciliation" she continued.

Raiza had been so complicit in their shared happiness; it broke her heart to realize Siddharth was seeing another woman. When Siddharth knocked on her door, he heard nothing. He was sure Raiza was angry and wanted to chop his head off.

"Raiza, Honey" he cajoled "Open the door please" he begged. No response. "Raiza darling, please open the door" he called again.

He banged on the door softly. When he got no response, he walked away and went to his little den. Siddharth sighed, sitting on his chair. He had never expected Vidya to behave that way. No sleep had caused him a headache. After the meeting, he decided to rest up for a few minutes. He lay down on the sofa in his office and didn't remember when he fell asleep. He opened his eyes when he felt something on top and heard Vidya's voice. He opened his eyes and sleepily realized it was Vidya on top of him. Then he heard the loud bang of something falling and then Vidya yelling and clapping her palms to turn the lights on. He got up from the sofa only to face Raiza. Her shocked expression and accusing eyes confused him. He asked her what she was doing there because he was confused about where he was. For a moment, he thought he was at home, but his surroundings were his office. He noticed Raiza's eyes staring at his body, so he looked down his shirt was open, exposing his naked body. Raiza spoke something in anger he couldn't make out what she said. His head was killing him as he watched her walk away. He called her name and walked behind her only to stumble and fall.

Vidya held him "Sid wait" is all he heard before falling on his face. From his closing eyes, he watched Raiza disappear. Vidya was by his side, helping him stand up.

"What's happening to me?" he asked.

It must be the medicine" Vidya gasped.

"What medicine" he questioned as he stood up with help from Vidya.

"I gave you medicine for a headache" she confessed sheepishly.

"But I didn't ask for any" he complained as he sat on the sofa.

"You never do" she chided "That is the problem with you."

Siddharth started connecting the dots. He had passed out on the sofa Vidya on top of him, her shirt open and skirt hitched up. "You!" he stood up, accusation in his eyes.

"Siddharth.." she stood up.

"Why Vidya?" he questioned.

"What do you mean? Cant, you see it, Sid? I have been in love with you forever" she exclaimed.

"I'm married" he pointed to his ring.

"A sham that is" she laughed.

"Vidya" he warned.

"Oh common for god sake. What are you? An idiot? when will you see her for the whore she is Siddharth?" Vidya asked.

Siddharth clutched her neck and pushed her up against the wall. "How dare you? How dare you talk about my wife like that. She is worth a thousand like you" he yelled on her face and then let her go.

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