Chapter 9 Confusion

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Two days just zoomed past in a blink.  It was the third day his last day with Raiza and he was not even close to getting a friendly smile from her. He had tried to tease her, impress her,  compliment her receiving the same response to each of his efforts a cold shoulder. He wasn't sure what she needed or was she just playing hard to get.

He sighed as he stepped behind the table for their lunch.  She sat opposite him drowned in her iPad reading out maintenance cost production capacity and the ROI on their current facility which was one of their design studios. He knew all the numbers already. It was Annabelle running the business that woman was strategic beyond her age.  The only reason he even wanted to do this tour was because of his father's golden rule "Never invest unless you have seen the inside of a business". He had been impressed on the first day of the tour the sheer simplicity of the setup up was a genius move. He would have shortened the trip if it was not for Raiza. 

He ran his fingers through his short hair messing it up. His frustration started to show, he didn't like losing.

"Gyan" she whispered he looked up shocked by her concerned tone. "Are you alright? " she inquired concern plastered all over her face.

"Just a headache nothing serious " he dodged her question.

"Do you want to head back to your hotel," she asked

He gave her a long thoughtful stare "Sounds like a good idea let's go" he declared and stood up to leave.

She studied him, his sudden strange behaviour confused her.  She could deal with his charms and seductive ways but she didn't know how to deal with his human side.  She sighed and stood up to accompany him. She called their driver to meet at the front gate he walked a little ahead of her without pausing. The moment their vehicle arrived he got into the back putting his shades and closed his eyes.

Raiza sat next to him a slight concern tugging at her heart. "Is he ok?" she thought. "Ramji please drive to the hotel we will drop Mr Airwan so he can rest" she declared. A soft groan escapes Gyan's lips but he neither moved nor commented. She let him be.

As soon as they reached the Hotel Gyan stepped out of the vehicle and walked away. Raiza looked at his retrieving form and let out a deep long breath "Well looks like I dodged another charmer" a tiny sly smile appeared on her lips.  "Please drop me at the office Ramji" she requested the driver.

Her driver took the usual route and continued towards Nigam Road a shorter way towards their head office. Raiza rested her head in the back for her seat and slowly relaxed.  Her body let go of the tension as her mind let go of the defence she had built up for the charming Mr Airwan.

The image of Siddharth on their first meeting floated into her head.  She was young it was her 19th birthday she remembered her father had taken her out for lunch. Daddy and daughter time he used to call it, time to show her how much he appreciated her presence in his life. She enjoyed her favourite time with her father talking, laughing, and basking in his attention. For her special day, he had booked a private table at the Leela Palace beautiful and full of elegance. They lounged at the poolside table.

Her father had ordered a bottle of wine that they shared. "Dad I thought you didn't drink?" she questioned. "I choose not to drink sweetheart but I want you to taste everything in life before you choose to do or not to do something" he winked with a smile.

She laughed "OK Daddy but I'm not sure what is the point of it if I'm going to decide never to do it" she questioned.

"Well the point is that you choose to not do something based on your experience not because you were told to do so" he explained

She shrugged with a smile not really understanding the point. Her father looked at her lovingly as he smiled "Someday you will understand my views honey. Till then enjoy moments like this life can steal your innocence without any notice. Always remember nothing is ever permanent" he explained.

Raiza stared at him, her father had always been full of statements that he would tell her which made no sense to her. She tried hard to understand them but she never did. However, she loved him too much to not pay attention. Suddenly her father's eyes turned from her to a point beyond her.  Recognition dawned and he stood up waving. She turned to look, and a man her father's age walked towards them eagerly waving at them.

"Dhayanan" her father called and the man laughed "Qadri my friend" he pronounced in surprise and excitement. They hugged and laughed and exchanged greetings. Raiza lost interest as she turned to her wine and swirled it in the glass sipping it. It tasted good in her mouth she looked at it slightly bitter but soft and smooth. She closed her eyes in satisfaction

"This is my daughter Raiza" her father's voice travelled to her mind. She immediately opened her eyes and swallows the mouthful of wine.

"Hi," she greeted standing up next to her father.

"little Raiza has grown up into a beautiful girl" Dhayanan commented with a warm smile "You may not remember child but I was the first one to hold you in my arms" he revealed raising his arms and showing her the way he had cradled her as a baby.

She gave him a shy smile "I was away trying to make money it was Dhayanan and his wife who cared for you and your mother" her father explained noticing her questioning eyes.

Dhayanan laughed "Siddharth will be very happy meeting you. You both use to be inseparable" he turned searching for someone.

"Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?" He suggested when he couldn't find the person he was looking for.

Her father hesitated "Not tonight my friend and I'm not letting you escape with an impromptu dinner plan.  You have come to the city too many times and left without visiting me.  This time we are going to plan something bigger" he announced patting his friend's shoulder.

"I'm at your disposal now that I'm retired and Siddharth is in charge of the business I can relax and spend as much time as we want with you" he declared.

"Dad" a deep strong voice floated to her that made her shiver. She sought the man to whom it belonged. Tall, well-built, and tanned came to her mind when her eyes landed on the man that stood in front of her. 

"We were looking for you son, where did you disappear?" Dhayanan asked pulling his son into the little circle. 

"Hello, uncle" He greeted her father and they seemed familiar. Her father hugged Siddharth and then turned to introduce her "You remember Raiza?" he introduced

"How can I forget my wife" he announced to everyone's surprise. Raiza stared in shock. Her father and his friend broke into bouts of laughter. "you still remember that" they patted the man's back who smiled making light of his declaration. But the way he looked at her she was sure he wasn't joking. There was something burning behind his casual look. His eyes bore into her she didn't know what it was but the emotions in his eyes were dangerous.

"Happy birthday my child" Dhayanan wished her bringing her back from her brooding. He kissed her forehead "I will see you at dinner tomorrow" He announced she was confused "When did they plan dinner?" she wondered.

"Dinner?" she questioned "Yes sweetheart" her father announced wrapping her in his right arm Siddhartha is insisting we dine with them" he explained. She smiled and nodded. Siddharth shook hands with her father and with a brief birthday wish to her, he left with his father. The meeting had unsettled her she wasn't sure she wanted to meet him again but her father had already planned. She sighed and sat down at the table to continue the lunch that was interrupted.

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