Chapter 3 Washroom encounter

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Mara walked into the bathroom, hoping for privacy to have a conversation with her fiance away from the noise. He always called her to say his good night, and she needed a quiet place for their call.

But the moment she stepped in she saw someone hunched over the washbasin and breathing deeply. Mara could hear the long gasps and struggle to breathe. She quickly told her fiance she would call him back and hung up.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked the girl.

Her head turned, and Mara noticed tears running down a ghastly pale face, she was struggling to breathe.  Mara immediately held the lady's hand and helped her to the comfortable sitting place in the corner away from prying eyes.  A few minutes of sitting with her, and she seemed to gain her composure back.

"Thank you," she said in a soft voice.
"Are you OK now" Mara questioned

She smiled and nodded. Mara noticed the sadness in her eyes "such beautiful eyes" she thought.

"I don't understand why a beautiful woman like you is hiding in the washroom and crying" Mara tried to lighten the situation without intruding.

She laughed, and the laugh was hollow, but it appears to bring her out of the place she was locked up in her head. Her face regained the colour slowly highlighting beauty. She reached for Mara's hand and squeezed it.

"Thank you" she replied to Mara's query.

"You sure know how to get attention" Mara joked.

She laughed "yes I do" she added.

"I'm Raiza and sorry for the drama" she joked
"it didn't look like" Mara retorted "whatever it was must have been serious. But it's not my place to know. And I'm Mara by the way" she paused as she extended her hand.

Raiza smiled and held Mara's hand.  "nice to meet you Mara" she declared "and thank you for being there for me" she added.

Mara returned the smile "Hey any time you need saving, think of me" she announced with a lifted proud head "I'm good at saving people" she added "ask my fiance I saved him too" she declared with pride.

Raiza laughed "I'm sure you are a lifesaver my superhero" she acknowledged, and both women laughed.

Raiza notice Mara was young and full of hope she instantly liked her. Mara, however, was dazzled by Raiza's beauty and couldn't take her eyes off. They walked up to the mirror to adjust their appearance when Raiza gasped at her image in the mirror.

"My God I look like a train wreck" she stared in shock.

"Do you need help fixing your make up?" Mara asked. Raiza smiled and nodded. Mara opened her handbag and began focusing on Raiza. 

"You have come as a blessing today, thank you" Raiza hugged her once she felt confident to walk out of the washroom.

Mara smiled and returned the hug.  They stepped out together into the hall. Raiza felt composed and confident but was not ready to face the inevitable yet.  "Can I buy you a drink?" she asked Mara.

"I would love that sweety, but my fiance needs my time" she explained and fishing hey phone or of her handbag she quickly dialled a number."

"maybe later" she suggested, and Raiza smiled as she walked away from the pretty girl who stepped back into the washroom with her phone firmly stuck to her ear.

Raiza walked up to the bar and ordered a tequila shot to help her get through the evening. She stood in the corner almost hidden from everyone as she gulped her shot.

"That is never a good idea" she heard Roina's voice and sighed.

Roina approached her and gave a side hug Which Raiza returned. "Tequila won't solve anything honey" she added.

"No, it won't.  But it will help ease my discomfort in this party" Raiza retorted.

"You can't keep running away sweets" Roina advised

Raiza smirked "it seemed like I'm unable to. No matter how far I run, he will follow me" she declared and gulped the second shot of tequila.

Roina studied her friend concern written all over her face. She decided to pull her out of the bar before she ordered a third drink. They stepped out together the night air hit Raiza sobering her as the realization dawned. No matter the distance and time, her past is with her to stay, and she has to stop running. She has to face it head-on.

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