Chapter 7 Desire

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"You are good at your job Raiza" Arabella complimented in her soft voice.

She was sitting at her desk signing the new contract. Raiza always wondered how she multitasks and did it with such ease. It was not easy she knew never being able to do it herself. She always wondered if Arabella had some special powers.

"I let to run your department the way you want" she continued "but that doesn't mean you can defy me in front of a 'Clint'" she completed looking up and locking eyes with Raiza.

She sighed "I didn't defy you, Ara" Raiza defended herself.

"You were about to only my death glare stopped you" Arabella declared with a smirk.

Raiza knew she was right not knowing what to say she sighed breaking their eye contact and staring at the floor. The frown between her eyebrow indicated her frustration.

Arabella studied her as that vulnerable look appeared. The first time she had met Raiza she had hired her because of that look. She looked like a glass doll that could break at the wrong touch. Roina had recommended her for a job and told her about the abusive relationship she had escaped. So she had agreed to meet the poor girl to see if she could do something for her. When she met her it was dramatic. She had expected a broken woman after years of abuse but what she saw was a beautiful, vulnerable, but determined woman waiting for the opportunity to shine. She had fallen in love with her immediately.

"I'm sorry" Raiza spoke softly breaking through her employee's thoughts.

"no need for apologies just make sure you don't ever do that again" Are spoke in her stern voice

Raiza nodded.

"Where are we with the plan for our Clint? " she questioned moving on to a productive topic. Taking her mind off of how beautiful her employee looked.

Raiza opened her touchpad and displayed the plan with the date, time, venue, agenda, and every necessary detail for the next three days. They studied the details she had chosen the right warehouses and the right sites.

"Do we need him to see our finance team?" Arabella questioned.
"huh! " replied confused Raiza "I don't see the need for him to do that"

"What was the point of including site 5 then?" she questioned.

Raiza smiled as realization dawned "I was hoping to show him the crafts team as a fill-in on the last day" she replied

"Cancel that I have a better idea" Ara instructed.

Raiza made the changes leaving empty space for Arabella to fill.

"Any other changes?" she asked.

"None" she declared without lifting her head from the contract she had returned to.

"Alright I have emailed the copy to you and will wait for your approval" Raiza stated as she began to leave.

"No need to wait, it's approved. The empty slot I will fill it and let you know. Your time with Mr Airwan starts tomorrow morning with a hearty breakfast at his hotel" She raised her head looked into Raiza's eyes and nodded.

Raiza returned the nod and left the boss's chamber. She walked straight to the cafe for a coffee going to take some time off from all the noise. She bought her filter coffee and choose the silent corner of the room. She sat at the little table alone facing a wall for company, her back to everyone else. She sighed at the taste of her first sip.

She was deep in her thoughts organizing her days ahead in her mind before following them. Deep in her own world, she never noticed the pair of dark eyes that had followed her from the moment she entered the cafe. Gyan had never known of a beautiful woman who sought a lonely table instead of a crowd. He wondered why but mostly he watched her beautiful head bent down while her slender shoulders rose and fell to the rhythm of her breathing.

His hand itched as the thought of giving her tensed shoulders a rub entered his mind. He smiled as a voice in his head sneered 'will it only be her shoulders?'

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