Chapter 13 Ara's Lover

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The waitress approached the table with a warm smile she glanced at Raiza "Good evening mam, Hope you are enjoying the evening?" she inquired.

Raiza returned the smile "Yes I'm, thank you" she added.

She then turned to Gyan with the same warm smile "What can I get for you sir?" she inquired.

Gyan returned the smile "One ice tea, for now, we are waiting for friends" he explained.

"Certainly sir" she replied and then walked away.

Raiza sighed realizing they were left alone again and the silence resumed.  She took a peek at Gyan and he was studying her intently. Their eyes met and she noticed a spark in his eyes. 

"What?" she asked irritated.

He raised an eyebrow in response. "So I do affect you" he declared.

"Nonsense" she replied.

Gyan laughed and she realized his laughter was beautiful. It wasn't arrogant it was the kind of laugh she knew too well.  It was what she did when she would realize she was wrong about something. That realization made her stare.

Gyan shook his head and smiled at her.  She squinted her eyes suspiciously. Gyan sighed and moved to the edge of his chair so that they were both staring right into each other's eyes. 

"Raiza I'm not trying to charm you. I'm not trying to impress you. Please relax" he declared.

Raiza's eyes widened in shock. He had just addressed the elephant in the room and she didn't expect it. She sat back not sure what to say. 

"I know you think I'm trying to get you to like me" He continued.

"Oh aren't you?" she questioned suspiciously.

He sighed "I admit I did try that at the beginning" he smiled halfheartedly "It's a habit and I'm sorry for that" he apologized.

Raiza was shocked into silence.

"But I have realized, that was wrong of me.  I have no right to think that every woman can be charmed, or that I have any such power over them. I had forgotten that truth and you reminded me how amazing each individual is if we only try to get to know them" he continued.

Raiza listened in silence wondering if she was dreaming. "Those words from the mouth of an arrogant man aren't possible. Or is he manipulating me" She wondered.

"For a long time now, being in business has thought me, how my looks get me through a lot with fewer efforts. It made me believe I'm special and I have grown arrogant because of that knowledge. I'm sorry I tried to use that with you" He added " I hope you will forgive me my mistake and give me an opportunity to prove to you that I'm more than a pretty face" he declared and sat back observing her shocked face.

Raiza's mind registered the statement but her heart still struggled with doubts. She said nothing just stared and he looked right into her eyes daring her to read his truth in them. Soon all she could see in his warm brown eyes was laughter and joy a brightness that was inviting. She saw the depths of his light that was burning like the sun providing light to other souls.

"Sorry, we are late" Ara's voice broke the connection.

Raiza looked at Ara confused. Gyan had stood up from his place to hug and greet her.  Her face lit up with a beautiful smile that was warm and friendly.  Her usual poker face that showed no emotions seemed to have melted away to show the real Ara.

"You look beautiful" he complimented then turned to greet someone she had not noticed.  A slender yet elegant woman stood behind Ara, seemingly shy she smiled at Gyan's greetings.

"You have been a stranger" she chided.

Gyan laughed as he hugged her and whispered something in her ears

"He is captivating isn't he?" Raiza heard Ara ask and her attention snapped back to her employer. Ara with her 5 feet 9 inches was already tall to Raiza's 5 feet 6 inches height. But at the moment her 2-inch heels added more height to her.  Raiza stood up trying to be more confident and comfortable. She hugged Arabella and greeted her

"Sorry, I'm a little off of sorts.  Maybe it's because of no sleep last night" she confessed.

"Someone's keeping you up Honey" Ara flirted as she led Raiza to Gyan and the beautiful lady he was conversing with. Raiza shook her head there was a conflict in her head she didn't like and didn't want to acknowledge. She simply stared at the pair.

Ara smiled noticing a distracted Raiza "Raiza this is Usra, my girlfriend and the love of my life" she declared.

Raiza's eyes opened wide in shock. "girlfriend, lover" Raiza thought "Ara's girlfriend" she wondered and with that realization, a soft smile appeared on her lips.  "Hello Usra" she greeted her with a warm hug.

Usra smiled "I have been waiting to meet you" she declared.
"Were you? " Raiza questioned.
"Yes," she smiled.

Gyan smiled as he walked over to take his place at the table followed by Ara "She seems to have feelings for you" she whispered.

Gyan smiled "It appears so" he declared as he glanced at Raiza who was deep in conversation with Usra. He had seen sorrow cross her face when he embraced Usra. That moment gave him hope. "she isn't as immune to me as she would like me to believe" he thought.  A smile spread across his lips

Raiza was trying to wrap her head around the new developments that were being revealed to her.  "Ara had a girlfriend, she is a lesbian," she thought "How did I miss that?" she wondered "Why would that matter to you?" her mind asked her. She thought for a few moments before she decided it didn't matter.  She glanced at Ara softly speaking to Gyan there was a comfort between the two.  A comfort that exists only between two good friends. 

Her focus then shifted to Usra who sat silently by her and watched Ara. Devotion in her eyes and a beautiful smile on her lips.


Author's Note

I hope you all are enjoying the story.  Sorry for the late update.


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