Chapter 4 First Fight

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"I'm scared so scared always running. That is who I'm Roina" She declared in dejection.

Her friend rubbed her back in understanding. The chill in the air was causing goosebumps on her skin. She wasn't sure if it was the air or her fear.

"Babe I will not say it's OK, because at some point you will have to make a different choice than the one you are used to. But I would recommend that you start making the choices deliberately and not as a last resort." Roina explained.

Raiza looked into her friend's eyes there was understanding and compassion it made her want to cry. "I don't know how? " she uttered softly

"face the situation don't run" Roina suggested.

Raiza stared her eyes watery holding back the tears trying to be brave.

Roina sighed "crying doesn't make you week Raiza, on the contrary, it gives you the ability to vent. So cry if you need to strength comes from your mind, not your eyes" she pacified

Raiza turned to break the eye contact as she stared into the faraway. Roina let her friend compose herself and stood next to her silently as the seconds ticked away.

Their company didn't stay isolated for long as they heard the door open and a familiar voice call

"Roina my love are your alright" Ailan questioned

Raiza's back arched she stood frozen to the ground a hundred scenarios rushing through her mind. Roina grabbed her hand and gave it an assuring squeeze.

"Ailan meet my friend Raiza. She is an important part of my life" she declared as she turned pulling Raiza along with her. " whatever your friends may have told you about her know this that man ruined her life and if you or anyone tries to mess with her, you all have to go through me first" she declared staring Ailan down.

A shocked Ailan looked from her to Raiza and then back to her finally raising both hands in surrender. "babe whatever you say I will believe it" He added as he turned to Raiza and extended his hands

"Nice to meet you Raiza" he stated with a smile.

Shocked and confused at the outburst of her friends Raiza simply smiled and shook his hand. He quickly withdrew his hand and turned to Roina with a smile. Roina threw her arms around him giving him an approving hug. He circled his arms around her waist and pulled her into a much more intimate embrace. Raiza looked at them with love and noticed how he held her possessively but his eyes were on her mistrust and doubt clear in the beautiful eyes.

Raiza knew clearly from one look that he had accepted her friendship with Roina for what it was but he didn't change his opinion about her, she quickly excused herself and walked away.

" I seem to be walking away a lot," she thought as she kept moving through the oceans of bodies that were grooving to the peppy music played by the DJ. She didn't even notice where she was walking as she pushed herself through the crowd and didn't stop until she hit what seemed like a wall that didn't budge and she lost balance.

Two strong arms surrounded her and held her so she didn't fall on her ass and hurt herself. Tears were welling up again as she tried to look at the face that hovered over her. She couldn't focus her vision was blurry. Her emotional state and the tequila shots made it impossible for her to see clearly. She decided to stand up and balance herself. She pushed the weight of her body on to her feet and supporting herself on the strong arms she stood up. Soon she pulled herself out of the strong arms and mumbled her thanks as she walked past her saviour and entered the secluded staff entrance.

She paused once she was standing alone in the staff room used for changing into uniform. She studied herself taking in a deep breath. She fished out her phone and dialled a number. The phone rang for quite a long time before she heard a happy voice

"where are you, babe?" Armin's voice boomed
"hiding" she replied,

"Hey, you OK?" Amrin asked concern echoing in her voice

"I need to go to the apartment" she paused "will you excuse my absence?" she begged

"sure babe, you want me to come along?" she offered.

"no no you stay. You have to make some excuse for me. Ok?" she begged

"be safe" Amrin advised

"I will" she promised and disconnected the call.

She took another deep breath and then walked out of the door heading straight to the exit. She was in such haste she didn't notice a curious pair of eyes following her. As soon as she was out of the exit the cold air greeted her she called a taxi that was parked close by and gave him her address. Sitting in the back seat she glanced one last time at the building as the taxi pulled away.

She had just calmed her nerves when her phone started buzzing. She fished her phone out and noticed an unknown number.

"Hello," she answered,
"where are you?" Roina's voice boomed

She sighed "honey I need to get away" she pleaded, hoping her friend would understand.

There was silence for a few seconds and she waited for Roina's reply

"fine. But I will see you tomorrow for lunch" Roina declared before disconnecting the call. Raiza stared at the black screen of her smartphone. The thought of being in the same room as Ailan suffocated her.

"I can't do this not now," she thought hurriedly switching off her phone. She knew it will complicate things but it was too much to deal with at the moment. All she wanted to do at the moment was shut off the world and hide. And that it's exactly what she intended to do.

As soon as she was dropped off at her apartment she switched on the phone to send a message to her roommate.

"I'm turning off my phone don't be alarmed. I reached the apartment don't wake me when you return."

She then turned her phone off and locked herself in her room shutting the world out at least for some time.

Author's note

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