Chapter 8 Breakfast

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The doorman smiled at her as she entered the lobby. She returned his smile with kindness. It was 8.00 AM when she reached the reception. Raiza stared at the clock at the reception desk and sighed.

"Hello Miss" smiled the kind lady behind the reception desk.

" Good morning I'm here for Mr Airwan" she replied with a smile.

The receptionist's smile broadened "You must be Ms Parveen?" she declared

A groan escapes her "Just Raiza please" she requested.

The receptionist smiled in understanding "I'm Daisy" she introduced herself "Please follow me" she instructed as she led Raiza to what looked like a luxurious dining hall. She studied the hall and its luxurious furniture. Every table was decorated with fresh flowers and expensive silverware. Some were occupied while others were empty and inviting. She smiled the thought of furniture being inviting made her wonder where that thought came from.

"This way Raiza" the receptionist guided her to what looked like an isolated corner.  She noticed the head first and slowly Mr Airwan came into full view as she rounded the corner and stood in front of him.  He looked at the receptionist first smiling at her. It wasn't a flirtatious smile she noticed it was respectful and grateful.

"Hello again" he greeted her then turning to Raiza he smiled "Good morning" he added

She smiled "Good Morning Mr Airwan" Raiza acknowledged.

"Thank you Daisy you are very kind to me" he declared
"My Pleasure Sir" she replied then smiled at Raiza and left them alone. 

Raiza watched Daisy as she walked away smiling and greeting guests she passed by, she had a genuine smile.

"Would you like to sit" Gyan questioned staring at Raiza who returned her attention to the man sitting in front of her.

Raiza sighed "Thank you" she replied as she sat down

"What would you like to eat? " he asked

She shook her head "I ate my breakfast already thank you"

"Well breakfast meeting includes breakfast, weren't you aware? " he mocked

"Really!  Guess I missed that memo" she replied with a mock smile and immediately froze
"Shit Raiza what are you doing,  this is our client. You are at a job dammit" she heard the voice in her head scolding her.

She stared as a smile slowly spread across his lips and he nodded.

"Would you at least like some coffee" he offered. She shook her head

"Mr Airwan" she started but was stopped by his raised hand

"Please call me Gyan, Mr Airwan is my father" he smiled.

She returned it with reservation "OK, Gyan, would you like to go through the agenda for the day?" she questioned jumping straight to the point

He shook his head "Raiza don't treat me as your client,  treat me as your friend and show me the best of your company" he smiled at her brightly and squeezed her hand lightly.

His words and smile reminded her of another face with the same charming smile that would disarm any woman. But the same smile brought up Raiza's guard immediately

The nervous Raiza backed into the shell letting the confident Raiza step up.  She knew Siddharth, she had been under his spell until she was helplessly in love with him. But she had broken her chains to run. She knew people like Siddharth, and Gyan was one of them she knew what she needed to do. 

"Gyan.." she paused with a smile "You are our client, I'm an employee of the company you are invested in. It's my duty to ensure you are given a tour of our work to provide you with information that will help you make a wise decision. I'm not your friend. I'm an employee, at best our relationship is that of co-workers. So I think it's a good idea to start our tour today by getting our agenda clear" she spoke in one breath then let the breath out. She pulled out her tab from the bag and began to explain the details of the tour. 

Gyan watched her confused, he was sure when he squeezed her hand slightly she would blush and they would start on a good note that would lead to him winning her affection by the end of his three-day tour. But what happened was a different story. He watched something in her change her eyes glazed out for a quick second he had thought that was the indication of her falling under his charm and he expected a shy smile and a compliant beautiful woman under his wings. What he didn't expect was the drastic change from a nervous Raiza mocking him to the one who put him in his place without a second thought. He just watched wondering what he was missing.

Raiza closed the agenda standing up and looking straight at Gyan Airwan "Well enjoy your breakfast Gyan I will wait for you in the lobby, Our drive should be here in 10 min I think it will give you enough time to prepare for the day" She explained as she adjusted her dress and picked up her handbag. She nodded to him and walked out of the dining hall. 

He watched her walk away a strange emotion rose in the back of his mind he has never been told what to do by a woman he intended to date. Gyan smiled "I'm going to enjoy this" he shook his head. Finishing his coffee he left the table to follow her picking up his wallet and his phone. When he reached the lobby she was sitting on the sofa talking to someone over the phone. As she noticed him approach she stood up. 

"Ramji, We are ready, please come to the reception we will leave in the next few minutes" she declared and disconnected the call 

"Shall we?" she questioned.

He nodded and followed her. 

A Hyundai Creta pulled in stopping right in front of them. She was waiting silently he stepped ahead and opened the door for her. Raiza silently got in and pulled on her shades without looking at Gyan who closed her door and rounded the car to join her on the other side. 

"Ramji let's go to Warehouse 1 please" she gave instructions. The driver replied to her with a polite nod and started the car. she sat back staring into the mobile phone. 

"This is not over" Gyan declared staring at her as a smile spread across his lips. 

She looked up and studied his face before returning to her phone without a word.  

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