Chapter 4: The Fenrir

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*Marshall's POV*

"The fenrir...." i said quietly

"It can't be..." Skye said in disbelief

"Why?" asked Zuma

Yea... Why.... Why now??? Why is it attacking us at a time like this..... Ryder, Everest and Chase aren't even back yet...

What are we gonna do?

"Hey guys....." said Rubble

"Yea Rubble?" i asked

"Maybe we should report this to Ryder for now... Then maybe we can decide our next move there..." Rubble suggested

"Yea... you're right Rubble. To the lookout we go then!" i said

"Uhm... guys..." Zuma said pointing to the policemen approaching us.

"Hey, you pups seem to know something, care to tell us?" one of the policeman said in a intimidating way

"Sorry officers, we don't know anything that's happening here...." i immediately said.

"Now now don't lie to us, we are the authorities, you need to tell us the truth!" another one said in an angry manner

"But officers we really don't kno-" before Skye could even finish the rude officer cuts in

"Ugh fine... come on guys let's go, its not like these dumb pups know anything" the last one said

Then they laughed at us before leaving us in disbelief

"You little-" i quickly covered Rocky's mouth before he finished his sentence

"Rocky stop, it's no use arguing with that stupid policeman, why don't we just go back to the lookout and report this to Ryder?" i suggested

"He's wight wocky" Zuma added

"..... Ok..." Rocky said

We then calmly went back to the lookout.

~Back to the lookout~

We tried to contact Ryder and the others but it won't work.... The snow must've blocked the signal and so we couldn't contact them....

"I guess they're still in Russia..." mumbled Rubble

"What should we do Marshall?" Skye asked

"Hmmm.... I guess we can collect some data about the recent events that's happening in the city. Skye and Rubble, you come with me to town, we need atleast when and how these events happened so that way we may see a pattern that the fenrir uses. While Tracker, Zuma and Rocky, you guys search on the internet about the fenrir, we need every bit of info we can find. Sounds good?"

"Yup!" Rubble said

"I have no complaints" Rocky added

"Let's do this!" Skye exclaimed

And so we took our plan into action.

Me, Skye and Rubble rode my Fire truck and went into city to talk to some of the residents.

"Hey guys... We should be careful about collecting data..." Skye said

"Huh? Why Skye?" Rubble asked

"Well, if you haven't noticed the police is here, also we just got shamed by them. If they find out that we have something important they would force it out of us and who know's what method they would use..." Skye warned

"You're right Skye... Alright let's go talk to Alex then or Katie maybe they know something." i suggested

"Ok, i'll go to Katie's place, you guys go get Alex." Skye said

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