Chapter 13: Risks

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I hope it gets better. Well, I'll see you later tonight," she said before she and Diani departed.

"Okay, later," I said. I looked in the mirror at the dark purple-reddish bruise. Today was definitely going to be a difficult day.


Surprisingly, my day, so far, went well. Aside from the questioning gazes, I hadn't really experienced anything majorly embarrassing. I hadn't even seen Prince Vincent all day, which I was perfectly fine with.

It was around five when everything I finally saw him.

Surprise, surprise. He was with another woman, not that I was bothered. I was actually expecting it.

Because I was serving his mother at the time of his arrival, I had the pleasure of seeing his usual taste in women. Tall, strawberry blonde, slender curves, and large breasts.

I glanced at my chest, accepting the fact that I was a 34B. This girl had to have a 40D, at the least.

It's fine, I still have a few years before I'm fully developed.

"Where have you been," the Queen questioned with a quirked brow, bringing me.out of my self-proclaimed thoughts.

"Out... with my friends. Giselle, this is my mother. Mother, this is Giselle, she'll be joining us for supper tonight, so I thought it'd be best for me to introduce you to her."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," Giselle politely greeted with a wave.

"Pleasure," the Queen replied snobbishly.

"We'll be upstairs until supper starts," the Prince informed before turning away with the woman at his arm.

"Vincent, no sexual intercourse," the Queen warned, although it was a bit awkward.

"Mother, I can't make any...," he trailed off as his eyes landed on mine. "...Promises," he finished as he stared at me for a second longer. I rose a brow at him as if to question why he was staring at me, even though I knew why.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, your son is in good hands," Giselle said as if to assure the Queen. The Prince smirked at this.

The two walked out of the room just as the King entered.

"Who was that," he asked with a subtle whistle, staring after Giselle's backside.

"Vincent's whore for the night," the Queen replied in a sour tone.

"Well, she's quite a looker--ow," the King yelped as his wife smacked him with her magazine. "Miranda, there are maids in here," he hissed, glancing at Diana and I.

I was actually grateful to be at the King and Queen's services instead of the Prince's. They were more entertaining than him, and didn't ask me so many questions. Nor did they make me feel like a low-priced escort.

Yes, I'm still salty about that. It was embarrassing as hell. He didn't even explain why I should leave. He just suggested it, as if my absence would make the nauseous feeling in his stomach go away.

Maybe it was that kiss. I know I'm not the best kisser out there, but shit, don't blatantly show your opinion on it until I leave.

I silently chuckled at my idiocy.

Don't be pathetic, Shadé. You don't have to prove anything to him. There's nothing you can do that he hasn't seen or done already with another woman, so just stop. You're going to look desperate if you try to impress him, and we all know you hate that.


That night, I dreaded being on cleaning duty. You would think that the Royal Family were cordial eaters, especially with their manners and what not, but that's far from the truth.

Diani and I entered the dining room, brooms in hand. A few other maids were collecting the used dishes. I realized that it was a lot messier in here than it usually is.

"Tiffany, what happened," I asked in a low whisper.

"Prince Vincent got into a fight with his 'girlfriend'," she briefly explained, wording girlfriend sarcastically.

"Really," I questioned in disbelief. I never saw him as the type to hit women. It disgusted me.

"Yes. She told his parents that they were dating and he corrected her by titling her as a friend," she replied. She leaned in closer to me before continuing. "And then, she said that friends don't have sex with one another, or give each other oral sex. Then she accused him of having sex with a few of the maids. It was crazy."

A shiver ran down my spine as she said the last bit. 'Having sex with a few of the maids.' It was likely to happen. I mean, he almost had sex with me. I couldn't have been the first, surely not the last.

"That's... that's crazy," I airily said.

"Yeah," she said before going back to cleaning.

I went back to cleaning as well, thinking about what Tiffany had just told me. He actually hit a woman.

You're assuming.

I am assuming, but I didn't care. I needed something that will help me stay away from him. Being near him was dangerous, not because he was dangerous but because that relationship would've been risky.


New character... yay! She's really not all that important (not trying to throw shade) but yeah



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