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The first game of the season was coming to an end and all that South Crenshaw needed to be win the game was a single touch down.  The crowd was cheering their hearts out, the band was playing, and the cheerleaders were hyping everyone up.  Everyone on the South Crenshaw side was chanting, "Let's go Chargers!", confident that the football team was going to score and win the first game of the season. The football players broke out of their huddle and went to their positions on the line.

"He's at the 10!  The 5!  Touchdown!"  Spencer James' touchdown made the score 20-14, and everyone on the South Crenshaw side broke into cheers.  Before the band kids start playing, and before the cheer team could start their victory cheer, a gunshot ring.  Then two, then three, then like five. 

When the car left, everyone came up from ducking and saw a guy's body on the floor outside of the field.  At most, he was 17.  Out of respect, there was no victory cheer or song.  Kind of a sad way to end a football game, but it was a normal thing in Crenshaw.  Everyone left the stadium, trying to get home as fast as they could, especially the families.

Alondra picked her duffel bag up from against the fence and met up with her mom.  "Ama, you know you don't have to come to every game, right?"

"Sí, pero what kind of mom would I be if I didn't?"  She smiled.  "Now come on, your brothers just got home and I have dinner waiting."

"Oh, what'd you cook?"

"Chicken Enchiladas and pozole.  I'm starting to think your brothers never get full."

"Me too, but if they ate all the food, I'm fighting them."

× × ×

The next day at school, Alondra was at her locker pulling out her textbook for her first class when she saw Spencer and Coop walking, so she shut her locker to meet up with them. "There's my favorite football player!" She cheered.  "Nice catch last night."

"Favorite? Chris make you mad again?" Coop teased. Alondra rolled her eyes and hugged the two, acting like she didn't just see them the day before.  You sleep with a guy one time and get teased about it to the end of time.

"Man, Chris ain't that special." Alondra said, going to stand on the other side of Spencer as they continued walking.  "Anyways, you're gonna be eating mayonnaise sandwiches by the end of the night."

"Mayonnaise? The fuck y'all talking about?"

"The coach from Beverly is trying to get Spence to play for him." Coop informed her.

Alondra turned to Spencer, surprised that he was talking all about it. "For real? Spence, that's great."

"But he's not going."


Alondra is as in complete and utter confusion, but when she looked at Spencer, he just shrugged like it was nothing. "I can't just up and leave my moms and Dillon like that. Plus whether I play here or with Beverly, I'm still the best wide receiver in the area."

"Dude, if your mom finds outs, she's gonna get your ass.  A chance like this doesn't come everyday."

"That's why I won't tell her." 

Coop and Alondra shared a look, but didn't press it anymore.  As they were walking, Coop basically catcalled a girl at her locker, and that girl just so happened to be running with Shawn, their childhood friend turned gangbanger. "Coop, that's Shawn's girl."

Coop just smacked her lips and shook her head. "That wannabe gangbanger won't touch me. Plus, I have the nest backup in school." She smiled at Alondra and Spencer, referencing the fact that they both have gotten in trouble for fighting on campus multiple times, but they had good reason.

As they were walking in the hallway, they approached Alondra's class, so she let them go while she started going to her classroom. "You ladies have fun with that, I have to go to Spanish."

"You know damn well your bilingual ass doesn't need spanish class."

"No, but I do get credit to graduate and free food. So it's like my free period."

first official chapter!!  I kinda let you guys have a part in writing a story, so if there's something you think I should add or write about, just comment it or DM me 😌

first official chapter!!  I kinda let you guys have a part in writing a story, so if there's something you think I should add or write about, just comment it or DM me 😌

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